Chapter 181

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Olly's POV

"Aren't you going to pick a dress out?" Mariana nudged me and we shared a giggle.

We both watched Cindy thoroughly scan each and every dress there possibly was at her finger tips and she searches restlessly for 'the perfect one'.

"Nah, Im just waiting on Matt to come by so me and him can split to look at tusks and suits," I shrugged and I saw Mariana bite the corner of her lip before she looked away realizing what she had done.

"What? You don't honestly think I'd be able to wear a dress any longer than an hour," I joked to lighten the mood.

"I remember thanksgiving that the second my parents left, you literally was zipping out of the dress as you climbed up the stairs for your boxers," she laughed and shook her head.

"Exactly why I think a suit is more for me. But why aren't you picking a dress," I nudged her back but then shoved her.

"Hey!... ahem," Mariana caught herself and continued to laugh.

"Well, I think it's a lot better if Cindy picks. Senior prom has always been a big thing for her," Mariana looks back at Cindy picking a royal blue dress.

"As a matter of fact... I think we should all wear royal blue and black," I smiled at Cindy yelling at an employing about god knows what about the royal blue dress.

"All in favor, say I," Matt's voice startled me and Mariana as he flies into the store with his skateboard.

"Sir, you're not supposed to-

"Gotta blast," he shrugs.

"But what about our suits!" I called out and he was already skating away.

Ugh, I have to know his size. Hell- I doubt he even knows his own damn size. I scooped my board from my backpack and skated right after him.

"Security!" The woman phoned in over the intercom.

"Uh oh," Mariana shrugs helplessly.

"You bitch! How dare you say I'm too big for this dress. Unhand me you scumbag!" Cindy's still throwing a hissy fit with an employee.

"I'll grab Cindy and you go get Matt before it's golf carts on the expressway all over again," Mariana rushes to drag Cindy away from the salesperson.

"You ugly ass twat! UGH!" Cindy screeches again but she chucks her Chanel hand bag at the salesperson but misses.

"You don't have any aim you sack of potatoes!" There was some more back and forth between the two- of course Cindy's feuding with another blonde...

"I'll show you aim," Mariana managed to get Cindy past me and closer to the entrance.

"Mariana, hand me my love," Cindy's tone changes into a more laid back and relaxed like royal princess.

Knowing Cindy has officially lost her last brain cell... letting her loose was for the best.

With Grace, Cindy slips out of her pastel pink and ivory white heels with a steel cut tip at the bottom forming the stilettos revealing her freshly white polished toes with a light flick, the heel flips in to her hand effortlessly and with a crazy wind back, Cindy flings it clean across the air, snatching the salesperson's lanyard and having the heel pierce the wall by pinning the ID next to the salesperson's head.

After straightening up, Cindy briskly pulls back the loose strands from her face and tosses the other pair of heels into a nearby trash can.

"Bitch, I'm never buying Dior again. They make my ankles dry," she huffs and struts away.

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