Chapeter 188

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Cindy's pov

Oh god..

There was glass and parts everywhere. Small flames surrounded us and it was getting harder to breathe the more conscious I became.

The amount of blood was shocking to the core.

I touched Mariana's shoulder gently and she winced- at least she's responding.

I look to my other side and-

"Goddamnit matt!!" I cried and everyone started groaning but matt still wouldn't move.

He was dangling by his neck with the strap that was attached to his video camera and Olly grunted trying to break free from her car seat.

Jiggy seemed unaffected, just covered in smudges of black stuff and- Olly's blood from her arms and the side of her head. The dog tugged on her seatbelt as hard as he could until it finally snapped and olly fell onto the roof of the car...

We're upside down, we must've flipped when we collided with the other car.

"Matt? Matt!" Olly shook him up and down and I jerked her arm away.

"You're worried I get that, but you're gonna suffocate him even more or worse yet- break his neck, we have to cut him a loose!" I told her and she nodded trying to grab whatever she could.

I made myself useful and helped Mariana get out of her car seat and she fell on top of me- look, I'm just trying to make sure we all get out of here al-

Jade.. she's not even in the car...

One thing at a time Cindy, one thing at a time.

I did my best to turn around as the glass shards were piercing into me and I see olly wincing in pain as she tightly grips a large piece of glass and visciously cutting the strap a loose and Matt falls down gasping for air.

"Oh my god!" Mariana starts sobbing relieved that the lucky bastard isn't dead. 

"We need to go now!" Olly's facial expression changes the second I heard Hissing and the smell of gas increasing. Mariana kicked her side of the door open and quickly crawls out the best she could. I followed up but my sides were killing me.

I didn't know what to do, my arms flung around her and we kissed crying in each other's arms.

Olly and jiggy come out crawling as well and the flames got bigger on the car and the damn thing exploded so loud, i touched my ears and my right one was bleeding.

"Matt! Where the fuck is Matt?!" Olly panicked and tears were starting to mix with the blood streaming down her face.

"Oh my god Matt," Mariana started sobbing into my neck.

"Olly, you fucking idiot!" I yelled as I noticed she was running back to the explosion.

"He's my best friend!" Her voice cracked and she ran at top speed and she slid her way under back to where we crawled out of.

"I can't. I can't," Mariana started to drop to her knees and I was crying along with her as we held eachother.

"Foot steps came rushing towards us and we looked up to see Matt shirtless. His shirt probably got caught- I don't fucking know what to think anymore!

"Oh my god, Matt!" I sobbed and he was completely winded and covered in scars and aged military dog tags dangled around his neck.

"Where is she?!" She grabbed me by my shoulder and ripped me from Mariana.

"Where the fuck is my best friend?!" Matt's eyes were welled with tears and I pointed to the wreckage.

"Olly!" He ran back towards the vehicle but the car had a second explosion and this time it was from the inside out and Matt was sent back flying against the pavement and hit his head on the curb.

It was too much.

This was all too much.

There's a giant gape at the boutique store where we had the accident and Jade's body was found on top of a pile of manikins with a metal Rod going through her stomach and the car that crashed into us had the driver's head resting on the steering wheel it was constantly honking.

Mariana was on the pavement drenched in tears and I'm stuck on my feet. I didn't have a phone on me, there was nothing I could do. I needed help but I didn't know how-

Sirens came from a distance and made their way towards us as the fire fighters jumped off their trucks getting ready to take action.

"My friend- she's still in the car!" I ran towards them and completely ignored me and put all of their focus into putting out the fire.

Smoke was everywhere and one of the officers had them halt as something emerged from one of the doors..

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me..." I sniffled as I see a tail wag and tugs on something..

"Olly!" Mariana cried and happy tears on my face streaming.

We wanted to rush to her but we were stopped and all we could do was watch Jiggy nudge his nose against Olly but she wouldn't respond.. he started barking when the firemen tried to touch her.. he doesn't know that they just wanna help.

Jiggy lays on top of Olly and licks her face but she wouldn't move..

I took a single glance at Mariana as her eyes were glued on olly and shouting caught my attention again in Olly's direction.

"Get the stretcher! We're losing her and the dog!" They started unloading the ambulance. They carried jiggy and laid her on her lap as they loaded her into the ambulance and I was crying miserably again.

I looked up to my side and I saw a black plastic covering get placed over where I last saw Matt and I gasped covering my mouth.

I dropped to my knees not caring about the glass that's still caught in my wounds- I didn't care.

"You're fucking lying!" I yelled and Mariana dropped next to me and pulled me in for a hug. She was sobbing uncontrollably into my shoulder and my eyes were glaring at the body bag..

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