Chapter 115

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Nicole's POV

It was difficult getting all the seniors to the buses on time... I still need to have a talk with Olly about what she did with my liquor stash. She's been avoiding me the rest of the trip after that night.

Whatever, she's assigned to the same bus I chaperone. There's no avoiding me.

I hear giggling and private whispers shared amongst the cheer leaders and Mariana comes onto the buss blushing a bold red. I prefer as a nervous wreck. It gets under my skin every time she's in a peppy mood. I keep anticipating that she's evil, but I bet she can't even kill a fly if she were to.

"Donavan, I've had it!" Cindy comes from behind her throwing a fit... still.

"You can't deny this anymore than I'm denying it. We're practically made for each other," Matt insists and Cindy gives a good swing with her tote bag.

"Eat shit," she hisses and the bus drivers looks at me knowing I'm the one with the highest level of authority. We both look back at the two.

"I kiss your ass don't I?" Matt retorts and Cindy stomps off to the back of the bus.

I was beyond speechless with the way that went about, I looked back at the astounded bus driver and I just shrugged. I have no clue on how to provide input on a conversation like that.

"Morning," Matt waved off. It wasn't friendly but it wasn't rude. It was just a neutral greeting.

"As to you," I tried my best no to indicate that I witnessed his conversation with Cindy.

"Hey, where Olly?" I hear one of the cheerleaders chirp and I realized as well that she wasn't on the bus... nor was that teacher she went at it with earlier in the week.

Next thing you know, I receive a phone call from... speak of the devil.

"Hello?" I apparently caught everyone's attention with my impatience.

"I can't get her ass to come down from the snow wall thing," the teacher informs me. I have no clue as to what the hell she's talking about.

"The what?!" I became startled.

"The place where there's two walls of ice or snow- or whatever the hell it is and you take this skateboard, only it's not a skateboard, this doesn't have wheels and you slide on snow with it?" The woman explains herself.

I sigh in irritation with her dialogue, "you mean a snow board... Olly's at a ski lodge isn't she?"

"Yeah, whatever the fuck you just said. She can't nor won't listen to me," she complains.

I turn around to explain the bus driver what the mishap was and he simply nodded, he's not angry about taking a detour. Strange.

Heading over the ski lodge, I rush out the bus... with the rest of the students who rode with me following me behind.

"All for one and one for all," one of the girls asserts a look that everyone agrees with.

I shook my head and just tolerated it. I don't have time for this, I explain to the person at the front desk that I'm looking for a person that fits Olly description and she takes us to a snow trail where we found an old woman cursing at one of the snow boarders.

"Get down from there, Goddamnit!" The teacher shakes her fist in the air and the snow boarder paid now mind. As a matter of fact, they jumped down the snow ramp and sloshed snow on top of them and the teacher stomped in my direction.

"She's a lost cause I tell you! I'm going to the damn bus," she storms off.

"Olly's snowboarding!" Matt plows through and grabs his phone.

All the other students grab their phones and start recording her doing a few tricks on the ramps.

The kids started applauding and the broad sound eventually caught Olly's attention and took off the rented goggles and helmet. She smiled brightly as she removes her face mask and her breath goes up in the cold air like a ghost.

"It's time to go already?! Mannnnn and I just started getting the hang of this," she smiles as she glides back down towards the group.

Without confrontation, she walks through everyone as they continue to record and tag her in their videos.

Olly dusts snow off of her and returns all the equipment before anyone even catches a chance to talk to her about anything and heads towards the bus... what about her stuff from the cabin?

"Your stuff is in my luggage," Matt ran up to greet her and they both did a handshake.

"Thanks, I was wondering why I couldn't find it by the couch when I woke up earlier today," she shrugged with a bright smile.

"Dude, you really shredded some serious snow. I even got the part where you got snow on that one teacher. Priceless," he praised her.

"Oh you have to send that!" Her eyes light up.

It took a minute, but I naturally caught up to the two about how they were both still amazed about Olly's snowboarding experience.

"Olly, you don't mind a quick word on the bus do you? You can go back to talking to Matt in just a minute," i butted in respectfully.

Matt didn't seem to mind, as he should, and Olly seemed to be in such a good mood she just grinned at me.

"I don't mind at all," she said brightly.

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