Chapter 149

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Mariana's POV

Lunch was over fairly quickly and I don't know... maybe I'm self centered but people are smiling as me and Olly walk down the hall together.

"M&M?" Olly leans into my ear.

"You know they're gonna put two and two that we did a quickie in the school parking lot with a face like that," she snickers into my neck tickling my skin.

"I regret it already," I whined and she laughs as she kissed the top of my head.

Cindy's making her way through the crowd of students with Mariana and Chiharu at her tail.
Uh oh...

"We left her alone with those two," Olly muttered.

"Oh shit, we did..." I bit the corner of my lip.

"The next time you two want to go on a lunch date, don't have me babysit these two dinguses. I just went through half a bottle of my aspirins- and it's a fucking Tuesday," Cindy storms off.

"She'll get over it," I brushed it off and Olly laughed.

"So, do we have a worthy match?" Olly called at Chirharu and Matt, what did those three do?

"I made her blush," Chiharu looked at her nails and fixed her bangs.

Matt scoffed and retaliated from her claim but it wasn't English, it was a bunch of jibberish and... excessive waving of the arms.

"She was already pink, please," Matt leans against the lockers.

"After you pissed her off," Chiharu smirked and Adjusted her white collar on her long sleeve and rolled up the sleeves of her pastel yellow pullover sweater.

"Cindy? Blush? What did you even say?" Olly's face was surprised and honestly- so was I.

Cindy's the type of girl that would blush if you're taking her out to dinner and you get her flowers, because she told you to go get flowers.

So for Chiharu to make Cindy blush on command...


"Shit, I wanna know too because she leaned over to blondie and whispered it. That's when Cindy started getting all fluster buster like Mariana when I drop sex jokes when Olly's not around," he shakes his head in disbelief.

Chiharu remained quiet with a small smile on her face and Olly found herself smiling as well under the circumstances, I think I'm smiling too.

"Well? You just gonna stand there?" Matt started growing impatient and Olly is fighting herself trying not to laugh.

"And tell you my style of flirting for free? Im foreign, not stupid," Chirharu turned her nose up him and Olly was wheezing so much, she was hitting the lockers.

Olly's laugh definitely made the situation three times as funny because I started laughing at her ridiculous reaction and then Chiharu was laughing... Matt is being so stingy right now, he wants to laugh too.

"Laugh, bitch," I scolded him and he couldn't help himself.

"Alright, I gotchu at cheer practice," Matt chuckled while shaking his head.

The bell catches our attention and the three of us look at one another...

" plans?"

"I mean- we are technically done for the day with our partial schedules," Matt shrugs.

I was about to suggest an idea but the intercom shrieks getting all of our attention.

"Olly, principal's office... I'm serious," Principal Waters voice warned in a way I haven't heard before.

I noticed Olly's stance stiffened for a brief second and she suddenly relaxes, "if it's for lounging around during drama, I completely earned the right to lay on the couch... text the groupchat if y'all decide to make plans and I can link up," Olly waves off and starts walking down the hall.

"Why would the principal get on to Olly for laying on the couch? Wasn't it her nephew or something that got saved that night because of her?," Chiharu makes a fair claim.

"Who the hell knows with that lady, I'm sorry but one moment her and Olly are cool, next minute they're not cool, another second they're yelling at each other and then they have a truce, now she's pissed," Matt leans against the lockers.

"I'm sure Olly would tell us about it later," I decided to not dwell on the topic anymore.


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