Chapter 17

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Nicole's POV

It's been hours and the police have been asking me the same questions over and over.

"No, I don't know the person that is responsible for this. They wore a black hoodie, black ripped jeans and black sneakers- I believe, maybe running shoes- officer please, I don't know. They look and were really athletic. They rode off on a worn out skateboard and even outmaneuvered my husband, and he chased them on a bicycle," I sigh frustratedly. The officers nod and finally back off of me and start questioning my husband one last time.

I have no idea why I decided to cover for Olly- well I do. I want answers of my own and then I'll decide what happens. Olly is a bright student and if this gets out, that scholarship is as good as gone.

"I bet it's that bitch who's skateboard I ran over by accident!" Michael yells. My brows twitch in annoyance with him, I highly doubt it was an accident.

"Don't talk about my student, she has nothing to do with this," I hissed at him.

The police officers suddenly took interest into what was going on... fucking great.

"Ma'am, tell me about this student," the man brought out his notepad and I gulped really hard trying to tell the truth but not get her in trouble.

"She's a trouble maker, I won't sugar coat it," I started. The police officer looks amazed at my approach with this and considering the circumstances, trust and believe, I'm getting to the punch line.

"She's notoriously well known on school campus as the class clown if I can put it to words; she's all about letting loose, being free, having fun and all that comes in the package. She's a party planner for our pep rallies and I strongly believe that blowing up a car on purpose is NOT her idea of fun. She's a dual enrolled student and has been offered an academic scholarship into Key West State Community College. Has a part time job as a mechanic, volunteers to shelve books with our school librarian on weekends. And if that isn't enough information, she's been absent for the past two weeks trying to recover from an accident that my husband initiated and she was kind enough to not press charges because of the friendship me and her have created this short coming into this school year," I puffed with my chest.

Silence fell upon the living room and Michael scoffs in disbelief that I'm defending Olly. I could care less.

"And do you know the name of this student and where to locate them? If her injuries have been proven to be that severe, then she is no longer a prime suspect. Please cooperate with us ma'am, if she's as innocent as you claim she is, this will all fan out," The female officer assured. "As a matter of fact? Why can't I just take all of you there. And when we leave, we can all get her a cake saying how sorry we are for disturbing or even thinking she's capable of such a thing," I sassed my way out with my keys in my hands.

Olly's POV

My body's aching too damn much for me to even get some shut eye. Not feeling so bad ass as I was before- "what the fuck?" I whisper to myself as I see red and blue lights beam through my blinds.

Who even comes this late to pick up a car? I ask myself and I fought the pain to sit up and get a peak out my window; holy shit it's Nicole... and Michael, ew. And the police, fuck?!

I quickly rethink all the shit I did and I need to hide any evidence. Totally bummed that she tipped them off, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Michael got what was coming. I grabbed my duffel bag and the skateboard I used today and shoved it all in a tucked corner of my bed. I grabbed my camera and my phone and threw it in the pile as well.

The buzzer to the shop rang and my dad answered. I scramble to make my bed look cozy as shit and the moment I caught my breath, my body started aching like shit again. I broke out into a sweat and small fever because of the pain my body.

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