Chapter 70

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Nicole's POV

I wasn't sure what I was expecting on Monday, but this surely wasn't it.

Kids were loitering from one side of the school to the other, from student parking lot, to teacher, to the fucking faculty.

I could've sworn ive seen a few PTA moms standing under a tree together trying to take advantage of the riot as a bake sale for school fund raising.

"She didn't do it!" They all screamed.

"She was sitting next to me the whole time!" Some even yelled through a megaphone.

I shimmy and plow my way through to the front office. Just when I thought I could catch a break, the entire cheerleading team is waiting for me; some were filing their nails. Others were texting. Cindy and... Mariana had their arms crossed and hips swayed to the side.

"And to think the cheerleaders would come to my rescue again..." I weakly smile and Cindy rolled her eyes. Mariana didn't bother looking at me. She gets her done and adds a few ribbons to it, now she's a whole new person.

"Oh please, Olly told us to do that because she wanted to keep things flowing smoothly for you as the theatre techies did their thing. So much for that, now look where she's at- oh wait... she's suspended!" Cindy looks at Mariana.

"Now girls," their head coach comes from behind them  and they got their act together.

"Coming for her neck won't solve anything. Mariana, tell her what you told me," she gestures Mariana to walk up to me.

She gave that innocent smile but the way she batted her eyes at me cheekily said otherwise.

"A little theatre tech birdie told me that there's a recently deleted file in the security memory storage. Cindy hired a private investigator over the weekend because unlike you- we've known Olly longer. We'd be stupid to believe anything a newcomer has to say," she blows a pastel pink bubble from her pursed lips and it pops.

"Mariana, stay on topic," the coach frowns.

"I honestly thought she was doing a great job coach, but okay," Cindy shrugs.

"Anywhooo the private investigator recovered the files and he should be arriving any moment now to share what he's discovered," she gave me this wink that sent chills everywhere. Even with a cheeky smile like that, it's as if she's glaring at me through that plastered smile.

Mariana steps a little closer to me and says something that no one else could hear, "I know you're supposed to be the enemy, but if you didn't do this, me and Olly wouldn't have been this close. Thanks," she squeals at the end and giggles.

Just before I could say anything, the lobby door opens and a man with a laptop enters the front office.

"I have it," he says and I guide him to my office.

I turn around to see about forty girls climbing on top of each other trying to get in but Cindy blows her whistle, "have you lost your minds?! Your coach, team captain and co captain will be entering. Especially me of all people. Hell, I'm the one who hired him! Mariana is the one who passed the word! What have you done to contribute to this?! Huh?! Exactly, nothing!" She scolded them.

The five of us settle in my office quickly and wait for him to turn the screen around.

"That's Olly with Matt skateboarding to school- aw Mariana, Olly's using the skateboard you gave her on your birthday. So cute," Cindy points out.

"They chit chat yadda yadda yaddaaaa, fast forward to where's been all morning up until she enters the auditorium," the cheerleading coach directs.

We see Olly and Matt walk around and talk a lot with people. Matt got breakfast but Olly just sat with him. We fast forward again just seconds before the late bell and we see her doing a hip bump with her English teacher, I'm starting to feel real shitty about this.

We fast forward a little bit more until it was about thirty minutes in to first period and Olly walks out the class with Matt following behind. Now we're getting somewhere.

The two maneuver around security without being seen, but on camera I can see it all. Or I thought I did- Olly and Matt head over to the end of the hallway and catch Cindy making out with Bret

"Don't look at me, we make out a lot, but definitely not in public. I have class Ms. Waters," Cindy defends herself.

Next second, the hallways start pouring with seniors and that's when the assembly started.

"Wait, what time were you and Bret making out?" Mariana reaches over to pause it.

"Uhhhh" Cindy bites the corner of her lip.

"Trick question because we didn't show up until it was time for the assembly. You were helping me with my hair so I could impress Olly that day," Mariana exclaimed.

"Oh my God Mariana!" Cindy yells.

"You have so much hair!" She compliments her co captain.

"Seriously?" She groans.

"What do you want me to do? Accept the fact that I've been cheated on?! Me? Of all people, me. Have you seen me? I'm such a babe!" Cindy goes off frantically.

"I know, I know boo. I'm gay enough to agree with you. But who's that chick Bret's making out with? Excuse me, do you think we can rewind and focus on Bret? We need to find this chick- so we can set the record straight," Mariana chuckled nervously.

"Mhm, yeah right." Their coach grunts.

We rewind the tape some more on this pointless sidebar task until something about it was odd.

"Wai- go back," I told the man he rewinds. "There!" I point out.

"The hell am I looking at?" Cindy snobbed.

"You know, I can have remove your privileges from the senior field trip in December," I cocked a brow and she huffs.

"Isn't that a remote control? But for what? Do you have all footage on Bret?" I continued to study the image of him with an object in his hand.

He nods and proceeds to rewind and oh my god...

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