Chapter 148

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Olly's POV

"Okay so you're the notorious one of the entire school?" Chiharu looks at me amazed.

"Yeah, but with good intentions," Matt clarifies as we put up props for the drama class.

"Soooo a female Robin Hood?" Chiharu tilts her head.

"Mmmm you've seen Naruto?" I threw the idea out.

"Oh my god, you're exactly like him!" Chiharu gasps.

Getting along with Chiharu is nice. And she doesn't judge me as quickly as other people do. Nor does she expect anything in return from me. She can sit with me anytime and any day. If someone's picking on her for her cultural differences, they'll have to answer to me.

That's my friend.

And she's friends with my friends.


I was about to get up and push the couch in place as the stage directions had instructed but a rush over came me and I lost my balance.

"Easy pal," Matt catches me and sits me on the couch. I've been having a few head rushes here and there and I think I know why.

"You can't half dose anymore, you have to take the full one. So what if you're drowsy? The whole town knows why. Take it easy," Matt hands me a water.

"If I half dose, I can't keep up in school. Then I have to stay home," I groan.

"We can like- i don't know, meet up at your place. We did your way for a bit, but it's only been the second day of second semester and you're already fainting," Matt corrects me.

I look over at chirharu and I think she catches on to why I mainly don't want to be cooped up at home.

"I can have Matt show me where you live and we totally partner up for Volleyball season... No, I won't get lost," she walks over and hugs me.

"You're a great friend Olly, you should cut yourself a break," she kisses my cheek and slightly pinched my cheeks.

"Good thing Mariana wasn't here to see that," Matt teased.

"Sorry Olly, as charming and attractive you are, blondes are my type. And my type is Cindy," Chiharu brushes over her words like they mean nothing.

"There's a line lady!" Matt scolds her and I crack a laugh.

"Please, I have a better shot with Cindy," Chiharu brushes her bangs and scoffs.

"N-no!" Matt declares....

...oh boy.

"At least I can make her blush," Chiharu smirks and Matt starts to squirm around.

I yawn and stretch out on the couch just enjoying the nonsense these two have. They both have a 50/50 shot at Cindy. Matt knows Cindy, he knows what she likes and dislikes. Chiharu is a wild card; she tests Cindy's morals and who doesn't like a good thrill? This could go either way.

Meh, who am I to pick who's a better suit for Cindy? It's true I've met Chiharu recently, but Matt's wit just might be outranked by Chiharu's in the long run once she settles into the school. Something tells me Volleyball season might be her prime...

"Olly!!!" They both shout.

"Don't bring the patient into this," I groan.

"Just pick, who'd be a better suit for Cindy," Matt rubs his temples.

"I can't pick, but I can find a way to decide... first one to get her to blush before Friday night, is a better suit," I turned to my side away from the stage lights.

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