Chapter 87

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Olly's POV

It was getting late and I have a pretty decent list of things I saw Mariana stopped to look at. I'm pretty serious about this. It hurts to think about Nicole and what we had... I loved her- I don't know, I still do. Or is this a feeling I don't know how to explain?

I'm happy with Mariana, it's not like I have to worry about being seen in public with her. But most importantly I should chose someone who shows they care about me. Mariana has never said anything mean like Nicole did- maybe it's too early in the relationship to decide.

What if I am a sadist that Nicole claims me to be?

"Hey, you okay?" Mariana makes me regain my focus as I'm gripping the steering wheel tightly and we're parked in her driveway.

"Y-yeah just got lost in my thoughts," I shook them away and relaxed myself.

"You think you can spend the night?" She bit the side of her lip and sighed dramatically.

"If only it wasn't a school day tomorrow, we could sleep in," I leaned my head on my hand looking at her dreamily with a small smirk and she flushes pink.

"We're not sleeping together!" She hits my shoulder with an embarrassed smile.

"So you want me to sleep on the couch? See, I think you're doing this whole girlfriend thing wrong," I joked back and we both laugh hysterically.

"That's what you meant?!" She comes to realization I wasn't implying sex.

"I wouldn't push you to do anything you're not comfortable with. At least let me hold you," I shrug and pretended that her punch from earlier had hurt.

There was a brief moment of silence between us in car as I fiddle with my thumbs and Mariana suddenly cups my cheeks and pulls me in for a kiss.

"Thank you," her lip quivers and fully face her. The sun was setting as every passing minute I spend getting more lost in Mariana's eyes.

"N-no problem," I freeze up. That's new.

While locking up my doors Mariana is getting ready to call Pizza Hut, ohhhhh no she don't. Cindy would kill me if I stand here and let her eat that. They're competition is literally after thanksgiving break. I swipe her phone and wait for her at the door.

"You're gonna give that back right? I wanted extra mozzarella on that cheese pizza and marinara sauce on the side," she pouts and I drop the call without hesitation.

"Ollyyyy," she whined and I smiled warmly.

"I'm staying over, I'm cooking," I hand it back to her and she smiles even brighter. She downed every bite when I cooked breakfast over the weekend and when we took my senior pictures.

She wouldn't take my money that day, so at least let me feed you.

"Imagine you not being able to cook shit," she teases.

I scoff walking in behind her, "yeah imagine," I rolls my eyes smiling. I'm not Chef Masterson or anything like that, but I can cook.


I was looking around her kitchen and fridge, turns out everything fully stocked.

"I don't cook..." Mariana confesses as she sits at one of the stools.

"That's okay, I'm sure... frozen pizza is a great place to start," I open her freezer and see just boxes of frozen pizzas. Damn girl.

"Ha.. ha.. what are you gonna cook for us anyways?" She laughs sarcastically.

"Where do you keep the bread?" I rummaged through the cupboards and not one single loaf of bread but I counted like five different kinds of unopened Jams.

"The bread pantry is next to the wine collection," she points and I look over to see my mouth nearly drop.

I've cooked in her kitchen before, but holy shit! I didn't know that was a- bread pantry!

I looked through the loaves and pulled out two sour dough round shaped loaves and placed them on the cutting board.

I set the stove and found a cookie sheet to coat in... garlic oil? Okay, fancy it is. I start cutting a circle at the top of both loafs and start pulling out the extra dough in the center, creating a bowl. I saw it on the menu on Panera and no way I'm paying $6 for something I can simply make at home.

I go back to one of the bottom cabinets and pull out two cans of broccoli and cheese soups and pop the lids off.

"Olly... are you??" I think Mariana is catching on. Yes darling, I am. Call me cheap but it's deliciously cheap.

"Cooking is really not that hard, see?" I gesture her to come around and I let her pour the soups into the bread bowls.

"Now to make this an original, I'm gonna add the spinach artichoke dip I found in your fridge and put a table spoon on top and you can put the bread lids on top," I walk back to the fridge.

This was actually fun, us cooking together and stuff. I set the two bread bowls in the oven and I find Mariana setting up the anime show we started watching on Saturday.

Hehe, I think I found a show she likes.

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