Chapter 31

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Nicole's POV

After Miriam left, my head was spinning. I almost got caught with Olly.. but she's a great team player, if I might add.

I make my way to my car and sit down to sigh. I'm currently apparentment hunting and I had laid low last night in a cheap motel and I think I'm better off sleeping in the parking lot than the room I was staying in last night... and save a lot more money.

I slowly reverse and I hear a loud pop, "shit!" I cursed.

I put the vehicle in park and rush out my car, damnit I hit a kid. There goes my career, damnit Nicole. Damnit, damnit, damnit.

I walk around the back of my vehicle and I see a crushed soda can and- "Olly!" I yelled.

"Hey, you owe me a drink!" She yelled back.

"Why the hell would you think that's a good place to snack?" I scolded her.

"Well, I'm hungry. Sex requires a lot of energy and stamina, so I'm trying to replenish my strength to make it back home. And on top of that, there's no tables out here, as you can see. All the picnic tables are on the other side of the building. My route home is on this side. Now, like I said earlier, you're getting me another soda." She dusted herself off.

"You could've sat at the curb! Why behind my car?! I could've crushed your dumbass!" I grabbed her by the straps of her gym sack and shook her up.

"I'll keep it in mind though, next time I'll just sit on the hood of your car," she rolled her eyes.

"Even if I do get you another soda, my route home isn't the same as yours." I sighed.

Olly tidied herself up and didn't look bothered at all, "I just want the soda."

"Is that all you want?" I nudged her in the shoulder and she giggled.

"For now," she gave a silly smile.


Olly was sitting passenger quietly bopping her head to music and I drove her to the nearest gas station, I could use some gas too while I'm at it.

"What would you like to drink?" I asked as I unbuckled myself and grabbed my wallet.

"Cherry Cola slushy, call it even," she looked me seriously and I wasn't sure if I was suppose to laugh or take her seriously.

Couple minutes pass after I fill up the tank and I come back to Olly, who isn't happy.

"It's Cherry Cola like you asked. And it's in an XL cup bc you didn't tell me what size," I explained. She didn't look to happy.

"You left out the part where you don't have a place to stay," she looked me dead in the eyes.

"Don't tell me you're sleeping in a parking lot or a motel. Hotels are in the upside of town... Nicole," she looked genuinely worried.

"Olly, me staying at your place.... I don't think it's a good idea," I tried to reason.

"We don't even have a guest room so don't worry. Sneaky Sex is off the table. You can park your car in the garage and sleep there. At least I know you're safe and no one is going to harm you or rob you," she glared.

I was at a loss of words. Olly is really genuine about her feelings towards my well being.

"That's very sweet of you, but I have to consult with your father first," hinting that there's a good chance Jimmy would say no. I didn't hear a response from Olly for a brief moment and I decided to look up.

"Dadddddd? We need to have a major father daughter meeting when I get home. Ew no I don't need latex gloves- shush I'll talk to you when I get home. I know you're trying but oh my god," she sighs and hangs up the phone.

"Latex gloves?" I started our conversation and she cuts her eyes at me.

"Don't even start. You're parking your car in the garage for as many nights as it takes for you to find a place of your own. I refuse to have you out here on the streets," she insisted.

"And if I want to be out here on the streets?" I kept pushing her buttons.

"I hope you're okay with having sex in an empty parking lot or freeway," she folded her arms and my mouth dropped.

"Garage it is then," she grabbed her slushy and sipped with satisfaction of winning an argument with me.

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