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Olly's POV

"I demand an explanation!" I yelled leaving the arena and going back to the main halls. Never have I ever been thrown off in such a way.

"Who the fuck won?!" Cindy tosses her gear to the side hastily- is that my gear as well? Wait, how the hell does she have my vest and holster?

"Uh- it's Uh..." the employee nervously reads the screen off of his tablet.

"Well?!" Cindy yells at him.

"Look, I'm gonna have to kick you guys out the building but it's a tie okay?" He concludes.

"A what?!" Me and Chiharu dropped to the floor. Our plan, a perfectly perfect plan that was mapped for victory, just wasted for a lousy tie?!

"You're not kicking anyone out! I will give you a blowjob to sway your thoughts!" Matt declares.

okay Matt, I'll let you handle this one. For once, you've caught me off guard.

"Stay away from me and you got yourself a deal pal," the man scoots away from my best friend.

"Explain!" I yelled trying remain on topic.

"When it comes to knowing your enemy, I know your greatest weakness," Matt looks over at Mariana who innocently waved at me.


He didn't...

H- He wouldn't!

He couldn't possibly...

Goddamn Mariana, you sexy- Oof. I'm speechless.

"I was tricked into pulling a quickie by my own lover?!" I stared at my hands dramatically. I would've never suspected her to take part in such actions.

I-I am deeply wounded.

"Y-you let yourself get seduced right when we were about to wrap this bad boy up?!" Chiharu punches my shoulder but we both made direct eye contact and started laughing.

"That's my girlfriend?! What am I suppose to do?" I shrugged helplessly.

"You're girlfriend was the enemy, fucking shoot her?!" Chiharu cackles as long side me as we both find humor in this.

"So I was tricked into removing my vest but the only way you could retrieve it is if Chiharu gave you my last location... so, high and mighty, who THE FUCK seduced you?" I raised a brow and she gives a guilty smile.

"Cindy said she'll go on a date with me if I cooperate because nothing else she tried would work. Not even a nip slip," she shrugs admittedly.

"My man," i fist bumped Chiharu and we exchanged smiles. Mission accomplished after all.

"You didn't win- loser, my place, at ten," Cindy snaps and I flinch back into reality.

"But you didn't win!" I pouted.

"I still end up going on a date with Chiharu. And you didn't beat my team so you didn't win either; you're gonna have to watch and enjoy the fucking show," she examines her nails.

"I- but- THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!" I protested. I think- I don't know. I'm no loser... never.

"Okay but who's hungry?" Matt breaks the silence and we all agreed on that one question.


Mariana's POV

The car ride with Cindy was silent.. I'm not sure what to think or feel.

"Are we really gonna duck tape her and make her watch?" I broke the silence.

"I should have some ribbons. Duck tape is going to damage the polish on the wood of the furniture," Cindy texts as her Tesla drives itself around town to her castle- literally, it's a castle.

"But like- wouldn't I be cheating?" I fiddled with my hand and I flinched as Cindy intertwined her fingers into mine.

"When I placed the bet, she didn't deny it would be a sight to see," she twirls a lock of my hair and I sucked in my bottom lip.

"I- I don't know," I stuttered and Cindy leans into my neck...

"I hope you're still wet and she didn't work you in too much, I plan on picking up where she left off," she licks the bottom of my neck to my ear.

God, ever since Chiharu confronted her, she has been off the rails.

"Cindy stop it," I scooted away from her.

I have no idea where this is coming from, normally she'd be in denial that she has an attraction towards other girls- like Chiharu! She doesn't talk to me the way she talks to Chiharu... maybe it's because we're a lot closer and she's more comfortable since I'm her closest friend.

"M&Ms, baby boo, what's wrong?" She genuinely gets concerned. It's not everyday you see this side of her but I'm one of extremely few that knows it exists.

"I don't wanna be a slut," I stared out the window and Cindy clicks her tongue as she shakes her head.

"No, no, no. I'd never take you seriously even if you called yourself one with tears in your eyes. Mariana Marie, you're the least person I'd expect to be a slut. Matt Donavan openly admits to being one, for instance he offered to give an employee at the arcade a blowjob," she scoffs and I flinched at the reality of that.

"But he's a boy, of course he gets away with stuff like that... not to be sexist but it's true. You rarely hear anyone slut shame a boy, it's always the girl," I shrugged.

"You're a lady. A fine one at that. I will run Olly into the ground with this car and make her pay for the damages her asshole of a human being has caused," Cindy confessed.

"Mariana, I swear it, and for fuck sake I'm a catholic so mark my words: you are not and you will never be a slut," she grabs a hold of my hand firmly as she cups my face and her green eyes pierce through me..

She pulls me into a tight hug and we stayed like that until we pull into her driveway.. I know I have money too, but her driveway is twice the size of mine.

"It's showtime baby girl," the car dings as she winks at me and opens the doors.

I look back to see Olly pull in after us and she's just as nervous as I am.

Cindy's heels caught my ear as I see her remove a sash from her purse and blindfolds olly- we're really doing this after all..

"This screams college vibes," Cindy smirks satisfied as to what's to come.


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