Chapter 67

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Nicole's POV

I stood at my desk staring out the window with my back facing Olly.

I couldn't stop crying. I quietly sniffled to myself as I struggle to digest that this is the most embarrassing thing I've undergone. Apart from giving Michael a second chance.. that doesn't matter!

It was complete silence for the longest of minutes as my office reeks with the smell of ketchup. Or is it just me?

Ha... ha...

"Is there anything I can do?" I hear a soft spoken voice interrupting my thoughts.

"I think you've done enough help don't you think?" I continued to cry and avoid looking ag her.

Olly comes up from behind and tries to hug me, despite the fact I'm covered in ketchup, but I shove her away from me.

"Nicole, I know you're hurting but please," she begs.

Don't. Do. That.

Olly persistently walks towards me again and this time I shove her back so hard, she almost fell.

"You seem to always have the solution for everything, my turn; we're done!" I yell at her.

"Do you really think I would do something like this?! Especially to you of all people!" She shouts.

I shut my eyes tight, yes Olly. I do. I've seen the things you've done.

"Yes, I just can't figure out why..." I murmur and I hear her suck in a breath.

"But that's enough proof to reason why I'm not the one who did this. You can't even justify why I would even consider doing this to us," I hear her voice croak.

"Maybe I can.. you just want me under the palm of you hand so you can use me for your amuse," I spat out.

"You don't mean that," Olly cried.

I spun on my heel and looked at her crazily, who is she to tell me that bullshit?

"You're in no position," I scolded her.

"But, you even helped me admit that I love you..." Her eyes twinkled something.

I didn't say anything. I remember that day at the kitchen counter and how scared she was to say it out loud... how could I overlook that?

"You really think that low of me..." she muttered under her breath and her voice bellowed in betrayal.

That tone tugged at my heart. Just before I could say anything else, I watched Olly run out my office hiding her face and slams my door.


Later that day I tossed the keys to the fruit bowl and kicked off my heels. I left campus at around lunch time, I have a valid excuse to not show my face for the rest of the day. Ketchup humiliation wise and breaking up with Olly wise.

Something about my apartment seemed... empty and my heart dropped at the spare key laying on my counter. I'm just now realizing my door was never locked..

I looked around the my apartment, no gold fur on the floors. None of Olly's sweatshirts or hoodies in sight. Everything is clean, even my coffee mug from this morning. The laundry was made. Everything was spotless.

Damnit the dog. The damn dog!

where's Jiggy?!

I rush over to open the sliding glass door and it just continues to get worse; his dog bed or none of this belongings are here.

"Fuck!" I yelled at the top of my lungs over the rails.

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