Chapter 103

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Olly's POV

Things were getting a little serious at the table with Nicole. I can handle it, but can she handle the way I handle things?

"Nicole, I'm telling you, I like my relationship with Mariana very much. I only agreed to share a cabin with you because she encouraged me too... something about sorting things out since the last time we spoke," I flicked her menu.

"Hey!" She pouts and I snickered.

"Okay, very well," she gathers herself together.

"Does she know our history?" She starts again.

I groan and rolled my eyes, "no she does not. As much as I'm comfortable with telling her, I won't. It conflicts with you and your career, and I don't want that for you," I reasoned and she looks speechless.

"Y-you're right," she mumbled as she blushed.

"As far as I'm concerned, Matt is the only one. I trust Matt. But I can't trust the girls Mariana associates with. They gossip. Mariana trusts Cindy a lot and knowing Cindy since middle school... she'd blow up even more," I shook my head and grinned.

"Noted- how was your walk?" Nicole changed the subject.

I crooked a brow at her and she softly smiles.

"I know, I heard you and Mariana talk, but I know your answer won't be the same with me. It's different with me and you know it," her eyes glowed with lust.

It started getting hot but I held it together. She's right... I don't know how to explain it, but she is.

"I took a detour down a forest and came across a river valley. I saw so many animals and fish in the streams.... I took so many pictures on my camera and recorded the scenery. I walked down the bank and saw a cliff side with a cave in it... I don't know, I decided to go into it and believe it or not, the water in there was hot! Like steaming hot! It has a small water fall in it, I didn't see any bats or weird looking bugs. I wanted to show Mariana later on in the week, but I don't think I'll have a chance to show her... but since you know me best, there might be an activity me and her will be missing out on," I gave a small chuckle.

Nicole's eyes searched mines. I couldn't break eye contact even if I wanted to. We just sat there next to eachother getting lost in each other's presence not even keeping track of the time.

"What was it you told her? 'I almost got lost' you said?" She smirked and I flinched.

I shove my hands in my hands in my pockets and grunted, "I was trying to be humorous.." I furrowed my brows and stared off.

She laughed mischievously, "so she's a joke and you take me serious with your personal thoughts and ideals?" She taunts.

I gritted my teeth and got up from the table. That's not what I mean and she knew it. I don't know what her deal is, but I bet it's because she's started drinking- I don't know when it started but she knows better.. I keep warning her where the boundary is.

"Spit 'fuck you' all you want, but Nicole... you're starting to act like Michael a lot," I glared at her and she froze.

"I have your food," our waitress returns and I pull $40 out my wallet and toss it onto the table.

"What's left goes to the chef," I sighed and headed out.

Lost my appetite and I'm no longer interested in being accompanied by Nicole and her drunk thoughts.

Damnit, I don't think it's wise to leave her alone... I'll just wait outside.

I prefer fresh air anyways.

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