Chapter 186

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Olly's POV

"So that's where you ran off to," Jade came up to me and handed a cup of punch.

"Yeah, I have a habit of getting into trouble," I shrugged and Matt shot me a careful look before he casually stares off to the side sipping his drink.

Realllll smooth Matt...

"Or you just like looking for it," Jade caught my attention with a smirk and Mariana and Cindy were listening in but they were trying to be casual. I know them too well.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I chuckled.

Jade didn't let another second pass as she pulled me to the side and still continue to give me the same smirk.

"What?" I was literally lost.

"I knew you were bad but baby, You're baaaad," she playfully pushed my shoulder.

"Seriously, what?" I have never felt so confused a day in my life- except when Nicole slammed me against the back of her car with her hand around my neck that one time at the end of my birthday party... I told her that I'd leave her alone for rest of year if she showed up and she did exactly that.  Now that I'm thinking about it, she should apologize.

Good times.

We honestly came a long-

"You and- what looks like your principal? Come on, I see the way she looks at you," Jade sipped her punch and I looked over my shoulder to spot Nicole across the dance floor eyeing us.

She panics and looks somewhere else trying to keep cool.

I let a small giggle slip.

"I knew it," Jade shifted the focus back to the topic of the conversation.

"Oh come on," I groaned.

"I was wondering why my date disappeared and came back smelling like another girl's- or should I say woman's perfume," Jade continued to tease me but I wasn't really in the mood knowing that someone knew about me and Nicole's relationship.

"Shhhh I'm not a bitch, your secret is safe with me," she clinked her plastic cup with mine and smiled.

I hardly know her, how can I just- trust her?

"Seriously? I'm taking you passenger seat of tonight's drag race. You trust me with your life and you can't even trust me with your secret relationship?" She started laughing and I felt somewhat embarrassed with the presented facts..

"Jade, that woman is my life," I confronted her and her face was shocked.

"Oh shit, y'all are in love love- my bad, my bad," she put her hands up surrendering.

"But answer me this," she took one last sip and tossed her empty cup in the waste bin and I shrugged.

"Am i your date out of convenience that you can't be seen with her tonight?" I met her eyes and the dimmed light made her eyes sparkle.

"Pretty much... sorry about all of this," I rubbed the back of my neck embarrassed.

"Olly, you ma'am are life changing. If it's always this eventful with you guys, make room for one more addition," she nudged me and I never felt so relieved that she's not upset.

"You're not pissed? Not even a little bit?" I asked for reassurance.

"This is probably the most fun I've had that didn't involve speed chases from the police since like- ever," she was enthusiastic.

"Well... now that that's been settled... speaking of new additions, have you seen Chiharu? We need to take our pictures and get going for that race," I started looking over her shoulder and took her hand to weave back through the crowd to meet up with the rest.

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