Chapter 172

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Olly's POV


"I'm not going to apologize for stripping my uniform off in the name of my best friend," Matt grunted.

Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered he took it that far- but Matt off his leash is well... one of us has to remain sane or else the remainder of the school year goes to shit and become's chaos's bitch.

I'm telling you, if I give in, Key West is in its own grave.

"Uh- could you at least tell me where we're going?" I gave up after the hassle he gave me for putting a tank top on him.

"We're getting tattoos," he plainly said as his curls in the front of his face were slightly pushed back from the wind as we drove around town.

"We huh?!" I leaned forward.

See, this is the shit I'm talking about.

"Oh yeah, I wanna put an eagle right across my chest. I was thinking my neck- but yeah, no.

So across my chest.

I can go to Spencers and get some goth chains. I'm feeling- resurrected," he remains calm and so casual about this.

"Matt!" I yelled.

"What, what, what, oh- pffffft chill out, your dad was cool with it. He trusts you wouldn't put anything stupid on your body like a rainbow dick," he ruffled my hair with his hand before taking off again when the light turned green.

"But what the hell am I getting? I never thought about this!" I sat all the way back into my seat.

"You don't have to if you don't want one. Now I'm off the squad I can pretty much get tatted up- OH AND PIERCINGS!" Matt seemed pretty excited about this.

"The school could barely handle you being naked, now tatted?" I eyed him.

"What can I say, I'm kind of handsome. The school will lose its mind if we combined our attractiveness into a single beacon of light-

"Shut up," I started cracking up and he laughed as well.

"An eagle tattoo across your chest huh..." I looked out the window.

"And my pop's birthday in Roman numerals going down the side of my neck under my right ear. Why?" Matt stayed focus on driving.

"Just- trying to figure out if I were to get a tattoo, what would it be..." I contemplated.

"A really good one would be the day you last saw your mom as a kid. Don't look at that memory as the day she left, look at it as the day you two had to split paths. Do you honestly think you'd be who you are today if she hadn't left? Bro, I fucking love you and how much we've grown up together. Like a sister," he punched my shoulder and I smiled softly.

It was only a few days after my birthday mom left me... maybe four days. So September 6 and the year I turned 8 or something will be the day.

"You're right, I shouldn't look at is as the day she left. I should see it as the last day me and her were both happy," I sighed.

"Good pep talk, we're here," he unbuckled after parking the car.

I'm not sure what I was expecting but- it smells nice in here.

None of the staff have excessive tattoos or any on their faces..

They look normal.

And no one has a dyed Mohawk.

Maybe I'm just overthinking this.

"Hey how can I- assist you- guys," a girl's eyes lifted as me and Matt were greeted.

"I'm here for tattoos and piercings. This one, I don't know," Matt gets comfortable picking out a seat to make himself comfortable.

"Any catalogs or anything for me to look at?" I shrugged with a small smile and the girl adjusted her hat quickly to show me to a chair near the front desk with loads of magazines.

"If you want, I can help you find something," she suggested and Matt was still pouting that he has yet to be appointed.

"He's not wearing any pants.." she looks back over to me with a worried look and I laughed.

"He's making a statement- long story," I got myself together and she laughed as well.

"Well, if you need anything let me know," her hand brushed on my shoulder and I could almost feel her fingers slightly grip me as if she was trying to see if I had a build...

I do but that's not the point.



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