Chapter 93

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Olly's POV

It was days just counting off until winter break. These hoodies and denim jackets are barely keeping me warm. I just might have to bundle up in a few shirts underneath.

"Did you pack your shit for the field trip?" Cindy scowled.

"I don't even know where we're going," Matt groaned. Bruh... me neither.

"A log cabin resort. If you had signed up earlier, the four of us could've gotten a cabin together," Mariana stepped in.

"Ughhhhh," I joined in unison with Matt.

"Matt, you're an exception. I highly urged that the cheerleaders stayed were to share a cabin with only cheerleaders, i don't need outside filth staining our purity. It's Olly here that's in a predicament," Cindy pulls out a nail

"Can't wait to see who I'm sharing a house with..." I grumbled and Mariana wraps herself around my arm and leans her head against me. I can feel her shivering.

I gently turn a loose from her to take off my my clothes; I don't think Denim would do much to keep her warm but I know my hoodie will do everything and more since my body heat is inside the fabric.

"You shivering," simply stated. Even through the steam coming out of my mouth, I could see her eyes twinkle brightly as she hesitates.

"I'm fine. I have another hoodie I can get in my car." I assured her with my lie and she eventually agreed. It's a little big on her but it's so cute to see her with my hood on and pulling the drawstrings tight to keep her face warm. I wish I could take a picture of how pink her nose is.

I leaned down and pecked it. I couldn't help but smile, I really like my relationship with Mariana.

"Come on, who could possibly hate you?" Mariana tries to lighten the mood but we all broke our necks trying to look at her crazily. As many people love me, I have about twice as many haters.

"Okay, bad question," Mariana nervously giggles and blushes.

The first bell rings and Mariana decides to walk me to class, "participate, okay?" She looks at me with a playful glare.

"Ever since you found out I'm just as smart as I am jock, you've been urging me to let the whole school know," I shrug and kissed her forehead.

"I know, and you should. I didn't even know that about you," Mariana's eyes locked into mine.

"I'll see you later tonight after practice?" She got ready to stand on her toes.

"What would you like for me to cook for dinner?" I held her by the waist.

"Can you wait for me to get home?... I actually like cooking with you whenever we make the bread bowl soups," Mariana mumbled with a strong blush.

I leaned down to lift her chin to my face and I gave her a tender kiss, "done," I looked at her before walking in my English class.

"Yall cute!" Matt called as I grabbed a seat next to him.

"We need to find you someone for the holidays as well," I nudged Matt.

"Haha, very funny. Remember that guy Cindy met at the mall?" He hands me paper and pencil knowing I don't bring shit to class.

"Wasn't his name Nate? Nick? Something like that. What's up?" I wrote my name and today's date.

"Plot twist, turns out he was using Cindy to get to me," he laughed and I froze.

If Cindy needed anything to reason why she envies Donavan, this is it. I don't know what else it would take.

"Speaking of plot twists, I need a little help here," I quickly remembered something...

"Getting Mariana the 'oh so perfect gift' trust me, I think she's just happy being with you. But beware, super wealthy girls love to spoil their significant others," he gave me a sly smile.

"No this a different situation," I merely groaned.

"What kind of situation?" He raised his brow.

"I got Nicole a Christmas present in advance before the ketchup bomb incident and when we broke up type of situation. The gift came in the surf shop across town a few days ago, I just need help trying to get rid of it..." I shook my head in disappointment. I know better than to go gift shopping in advance now.

Matt's eyes were bigger than his championship class ring and that says a lot.

"Speaking of Nicole, I saw her on a date with someone at a fancy restaurant with some rich French looking guy while me and Nate went out. Of course I didn't say hi, but they looked really intimate," he warned.

I wasn't phased in the slightest. I'm glad she's given up on me. I haven't forgotten what she said when I was just leaving her office after fending Mariana from those creeps.

Not everyone actually means what they say and we can't always trust that they'll come through.

My dad taught me that at a young age and made sure that I didn't make promises I couldn't keep. Probably got this concept from his experience as being a single parent when mom left us. I live by this code a lot and most people think I'm insensitive if they think I'm down right cruel. But I'm not. It's logical and fair.

To keep myself from being disappointed and/or hurting the one I love, I simply won't expect anything from you or make a promise I know I can't keep.

"Hm, I hope she knows that a French baguette is bread and not a purse," I smirked and Matt snickered while slapping the side of his leg.

"I can help you with your situation later this week," he closes off as the teacher starts the lesson.

"Marshall, eyes on me," my English teacher commanded.

"I'd rather look at your wife," I quietly grumbled and kids around me start giggling. I get a careful look from him and I rolled my eyes.

"My gay ass is looking," I tilted my head to the side and batted my eyes sarcastically as more kids continue to laugh.

"Principal's office, now!" He scolded.

"I hope your wife gets you the same neck tie for Christmas," I waved off with Matt cracking up.

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