Chapter 11

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Nicole's pov

I happily enjoyed my coffee as I monitored Olly during her detention. She's a real dedicated worker as she puts away books in their correct order.

Thinking about her kissing my cheek yesterday really messed with my head. I don't think I could ever stop role playing it since it occurred.

I'm not sure where I went wrong in my marriage. All of a sudden, it's like I have to demand to be valued. I'm sick of it; we've done therapy, no use. We even did marriage counseling. But when he cheated, that drew the line.

"And time," she looked at the clock. I'm not sure where her head is at because she's only been here for an hour and a half; she has to stay for 3 hours total.

I was going to say something but she propped up her feet on a table and pulled out a journal to write in. She wrote diligently and then put it away in a matter of minutes.

"This is going to take foreverrr!" She whined.

I quietly chuckle and hid my smile behind my coffee as I took a sip. She really is an odd one. One that I can't figure out.

She comes towards me scratching the back of her head, "my board is in safe hands right?"

I looked at her clueless and I saw her face go a little pale.

"My arbor Pilsner board? It's like a hybrid of a pintail and a regular board?" She looked impatient and worried. Me on the other hand, I have no clue as to what on earth she's talking about; A hybrid, a pilsner?

"Olly, breathe. English." I took a sip.

"I can't breathe, that's like- .... like- bogus! Please tell me my skateboard is okay," she begged.

And my memory quickly flashed. It's under my desk in my office. "Oh that thing! Yeah it's in my office, you'll get it back tomorrow when you finish your punishment," I simply stated as I took another sip.

I studied her movements when she wasn't looking and she was about to cry tears of joy. It's just a piece of wood and some wheels. I don't see the big deal.

"Whew, that's good to know. I don't expect you to understand but I'd totally lose it if something happened to it..." she managed to calm down.

I just continued to listen to her, I asked a question to keep the momentum. "You must really care for it, don't you?"

I realized this was the same facial expression she had when I was about to open the hood of my car because it was smoking and she stopped me from doing so.

"It's just a piece of wood, I know. You don't have to tell me. It's just... ugh." She flops onto the table hiding her head in her arms with a loud thud.

A few minutes went by and it was complete silence. I walked over to check on her and she wouldn't respond to anything. I started to get a little antsy that she wasn't responding to me tapping her shoulder.

I leaned in to whisper in her ear but I heard snoring. "Y-no.. you're joking. There's no way," I stepped back confused as ever.

I was going to give her a really good shake but Miriam stopped me. "Oh she finished the carts I gave her," she smiled with joy.

"I only saw her with one," I pinched the center of my eyebrows trying to recall anything and I only saw her with one cart.

Miriam points out three empty carts and my mouth nearly dropped.

I looked back at Olly who clearly passed out from exhaustion. She's more clever than I anticipated; she timed herself to be able to shelve one cart of books for 30 minutes 3x's to get one hour and 30 minutes. The rest of her hour and 30 minutes would be spent on sleeping to recover from the wild goose chase I gave her, having to wake up early this morning to set aside time to get my coffee and still manage to come here on time to do those tasks in such pace, she can now rest... committed, nerve racking and time orientated. She's smarter than what she leads on.

Who exactly are you Olly?

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