Chapter 75

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Nicole's POV

Call me the stalker ex but I have my reasonings; Olly is being lured to a party and Mariana intends to take advantage of her while being drunk.

Who the hell gets somebody drunk just to ask them how they feel about you?

I'm not sweet like a treat, but I got a few tricks up my sleeve, I grunt as I pull up to a costume shop recalling what Mariana said to me in my office. The nerve she has.

It all sounds like a set up.

And then on top of that, Olly is flirting with her!

"No, I won't chase after her..." I start to walk back to my car and I notice a salmon pink car not too far from me with that peppy bitch Mariana leaning against it as she looks across the street biting her lip.

Curiously, I look in her direction and my eyes remained glued to the woman she's drooling over.

I see a long set of honey golden tan legs stretch out on black leather heels. The woman wore a black and red tight pencil mini skirt with a matching top that has a V-neck cut that stops right down the center of her chest, exposing her cleavage. The red medical cross was on the left side of her chest and she wore a matching black and red nurse hat. Her hips swayed with every step and her clothing hugged her tightly. The way her hair was neatly styled the sun set shined on her was breathless.

"Did you get the black eye contacts? I really think we should try a different costume" The young woman adjusts her skirt trying to pull it down some.

"Olly, you look really good... like really good," Mariana blushes red and my emotions start to surge.

I quickly dash for my car and settle in to watch them from afar. I can't believe Olly would wear something like that. I'm sure as hell not complaining, but damn.

I never tried to picture her as a sexy nurse nor the fact she could pull the look off..

The two end up walking near me and I duck in my seat.

I softly gasped when I saw Olly's exposed back from the costume and I never wanted to tear clothes off of someone so badly.

Olly turns around as Mariana starts to speak.

"I'll help you put them in when we get to my place and decorate," Mariana hands her a small plastic bag that's filled with candy and a small package. This tramp is such a nervous wreck and blushes red just looking at Olly's tits hanging out.

Unexpectedly, that sexy signature smirk sprung from Olly's face and she leans her hips to the side crossing her arms. "I look that good huh?" She eyed Mariana.

"I didn't mean to perv," the cheer leader stares at the ground embarrassed.

Olly grips the girl by her waist and pins her against the side of the car.

Mariana flushes a dark shade of pink and bites her lip as she shuts her eyes tightly, but Olly lifts her chin up with a single finger to force her to make eye contact as she presses her body closer.

Olly's hand snakes around Mariana's neck and she carefully turns her neck to the side and plants a kiss on the side of her neck. An evil laugh and smile shapes Olly's lips as she lets go of the defenseless girl and reaches into the plastic bag and unwraps a lollipop.

"Doctor's orders," she said seductively and sets the lollipop inside Mariana's mouth and closes it.

Olly laughed carefree as she walks over to the drive side knowing she left poor girl stunned.

"Get in pervert, we have a party to plan," she starts the engine.

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