Chapter 152

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Nicole's POV

It's been quiet.

Too goddamn quiet.

I come fairly early in the mornings because I find myself getting the most done that way. Emails have been killing me these past few weeks but what's been really eating me up is that there have been no reports of Olly and her shenanigans.


Very odd.

I closed all my tabs and got curious to pull up Olly's student portfolio.

Why haven't I noticed this sooner?! No shit it's been quiet; she was absent these last few weeks.

It was 6am so I still had time to rush out the school building and rush back. I kept the proper speed until I turned right to her neighborhood. I zoomed down the street until I passed the dealership and-

Olly's outside tuning up a ran down truck with Jiggy at her side.

I quickly made a U turn and left to return back to school. I couldn't help but think why I didn't realize she wasn't present in school as quickly as I've anticipated.

My phone vibrates and it's an incoming phone call from Payton...

"Just a loving sister checking in, when was the last time you went out on a date?" She starts a conversation and I sigh heavily.

"I'm in no shape for dating," I said it loud and clear. I know I'm not. I just-

"Yes you are, you just want to be goo enough for Olly, knight in shining armor but that's not gonna happen unless some miracle happens..."

Olly doesn't know Mariana intends on breaking up with her at graduation.

Nicole, no.

Me and Olly are already in a fragile place.

"Hello? I know school reception can be bad but I got you set up with a mechanic dyke or whatever," Payton breaks my thoughts. I honestly don't give a damn what she has to say. I'm still upset for getting Olly drunk.

"Yeah sure whatever just knock before coming in," I brushed her off and hung up.

I massaged my temples trying to restrain myself on something that is considered to be major for Olly. She deserves to know- but it's not my place.

"Mariana, don't fuck up like I did.." I mumbled and decided to go back to my emails.

Easier said than done, this is boring.


After making my round trip around the building I found the door to my office half way cracked open and I didn't think I would have any visitors.

I tidied up the sleeves to my black blazer and adjusted the collar of my ivory white turtle neck. My low bun was still in tact.

Striding in with purpose, I greeted and sat my desk and clicked a pen ready to take notes of this meeting.

"Told you she's the definition of a workaholic," I hear my sister tease.

My eyes averted upwards and I see the ridiculous strawberry hair blonde of a woman I have for a sister and-

"Payton?" I took a quick glance.

"Yes?" She chirped.

"So- uh, tsk tsk tsk.. who's your friend?" I tried to remain calm as to why a mechanic in a black jumpsuit is standing in my office and tracking dirt on the carpet and the rug..

"You told me I can bring them here," she raises a brow and my mind flashed back trying to recall such a thing.

"You were all like 'yeah whatever just knock before coming in' and you weren't even here for me to come in on," she adjusts her coat.

"Jamie," the woman next to her holds out her hand and she has a firm grip. It almost hurt.

"Nicole," I asserted a confident look towards her.

"Time to go see if there's an espresso machine," Payton scoots towards the door and rushes out.

"This is a school not a Starbucks!... oh for fuck sakes Payton," I mumbled and groaned to myself realizing I'm now left alone with Jamie.

She had dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes, skin was somewhat tan but not noticeable. She has a medium build but not too much bulk..

"Like what you see?" My thoughts get interrupted.

"Excuse me?" I raised a brow at her.

"Easy, I'm not a student, you can't give me detention for wanting your attention. By all means, if all I have to do is sit here, then stare away," she chuckled under her own amusement.

"Mechanic is what I heard," I tried to start the conversation.

"Oh yeah, me and the boys get into it all day everyday," she stretches out resting the back of her head into her James

Her arrogance is... repulsive.

"What kind of cars do you like working on?" I leaned back into my chair trying to show a little interest in my unexpected guest.

"Depends, if you had to be a car, which would you rather be?" She cocks a brow. Lord have mercy.

"No more car talk, what are your hobbies?" I sighed. At least when Olly was Obnoxious, she had some sort of thing or flare to it. I literally want to the door for her to walk out.

"Too smooth to handle? Gotcha, hmmm I like to go out, have a few drinks, go party. You know... The typical grown up stuff," she shrugs with confidence and I can't believe I'm in a room with a down graded version of Olly...

I'd rather go on a date with Michael.

"As you can see and as you've heard, I'm a workaholic. I haven't been out much-"

"There's this really cool beach grill I can take you to this weekend, just drop me your digits," she care freely hands me her phone.

"Jamie- well, I look forward to this date," I held my hand out to shake hers. I wasn't ready for her take but steps a little too close and leans over to kiss my cheek.

"Jay for short Nicole," she salutes on her way out leaving me speechless.

"Please, I'm begging you. Don't let her be self centered. Michael was such a sadist and he had similar traits. But Jamie- or Jay is a more mellowed down version of him," I mumbled into my hands.

They all gotta start and build from somewhere.

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