Chapter 124

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Olly's POV

Is it considered cheating that I'm happy to be back at a place I'd always feel comfortable in? Something about Nicole and her champagne toast candles really makes it her signature smell of her place to call home.

After blow drying my hair, I piled my dirty clothes to the side and tried on the sweatshirt Nicole left for me; it's baggy and oversized. Perfect.

I went digging in my skateboard backpack and found a pair of spare socks... I'm not sure what skating incident was so bad, I started packing spare socks.

But then again, I always have a skating incident.

I shook my head with a smile and went to her washing machine to clean my clothes. I don't want to keep her clothing anymore than she wants me to bug her over the last few days of winter break.

Heading towards the kitchen I see Nicole pouring a glass of wine.

I could feel my hands go numb the longer I clutched them and I gritted my teeth.. does she not understand that people don't wish to see a strong woman such as her, treat herself so poorly?

Swiftly, I made my way towards and swiped the glass of wine and poured it down the drain. Before she could say anything, I waltzed back over to take the bottle as well and shove it to the back of the fridge.

"Hey!" She yelled.

I didn't flinch, "hey yourself," I remained emotionless.

"I paid for that Olly, this isn't some joke," she rushed at me and growled. I always find myself constantly telling this woman that I care about her... she doing this on purpose? Does she want to hear me say that I care about her out loud? Is that what this is?...

That's not fair.

I care for her, I do. I won't deny it. But the way she's exploiting that, it's- it's not fair. She knows better.

Ugh, Nicole. And to think I was the annoying one when we went out.

"I'm doing this for you," I stepped up to her and we both continued to get irritated with one another.

"Olly, the last thing I need is to be mothered," she warns me.

"And the last thing I need is to watch you fall apart in front me. I've watched you cry three goddamn times this year and each time I cried along side you. Whether you against me or not, I still cried when you cried," I choked on my words as her breath intoxicates my senses. Everything tingled.. and burned with frustration.

"Olly..." Nicole hesitates and I take advantage to press more.

"I care about you regardless where I stand. And I will stand up to you if it means showing that I care," I glared right back at her and her eyes glimmered something I haven't seen in a long time from her.

Everything was so still and quiet, I can't remember the last time I had a heated argument like this with someone- excluding my mom.

"Excuse me," I slip out of her grasp and washed my hands at the sink.

"R-right. I'm sorry- again," Nicole shrugs and sits at a stool from the counter.

I got every set up fairly quickly, didn't take long  and it was just me and the sound of bowling water with Nicole occasionally staring whenever I'd multi task in the kitchen.

"So... you never did tell me why the four of you were in jail tonight," Nicole breaks the silence.

"Oh, that..." I somewhat blushed at earlier's shenanigans. I don't even know how to explain this one.

"I shouldn't be concerned should I?" Nicole raises a brow at me and I stuttered.

"I- no!" I looked her straight in the eyes.

"Hmm, very well. I'm sure you four had fun, whatever it was you were doing," she brushes it off like it was nothing. Definitely not what I expecting.

"You're not going to ask what we did?" I stopped what I doing.

"No, I trust you. I'm sure you wouldn't put me in a position where my career is at risk," she removes a piece of lent from her black turtle neck.

"Well- can I tell you?" I choked on my words and we both eyed each other carefully.

"I'll bite," she gets up to grab a water bottle and sit back down.

I told her about the speed chase in the golf cart up to the point we went fence hopping and found Matt and Cindy making out as their eyes flashed before their eyes and it was Mariana who was about to get mauled by a dog.

"Can I ask the reason why?!" She coughs trying to swallow her water.

"Cindy and Mariana already made plans to go to jail intentionally as a little bonding moment for them. Me and Matt went to the movies but we got bored and crashed at the mall," I explained and sprinkled more cheese before popping it back into the oven.

"Was the movie that boring you just- did all that?" She sets her water down.

"No, we were inspired," I formally corrected her and she just continues to give me this amazed look.

"Jesus- I'm afraid to even ask what movie you two watched that sparked such an inspiration to do what you did" She catches herself.

"We had fun," i chirped and prepared the plates.

Nicole looked at the food and looked back at me like she was waiting for something, "I'm your guest, I won't eat until you do. Dad said it's rude for a guest to eat before the host," I shrugged.

"Your father knows good manners," Nicole smiles and ate happily. I, however couldn't eat that much. I'm somewhat lactose and tolerant. Too much cheese would be menstrual cramps except, nothing comes out. It's just indigestion for a few hours without any anti acids.

"Not hungry?" Nicole wipes her lips with a napkin.

"No, just tired," I yawned before getting comfortable on the couch.. and to think I'd sleep on the floor.

"Goodnight Olly, thank you for dinner," she softly smiles.

"If I had a dollar every time you told me thank you, I can pay tuition out of pocket," I teased and she throws a hand towel at me.

"Goodnight Olly!" Nicole laughs before closing the door to her bedroom.

"...goodnight Nicole..."


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