Chapter 81

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Nicole's POV

I was getting out my car for the start of the new week and everywhere I went, it was kids gossiping about a couple.

"They have nothing in common, but they're so cute!" A girl praises.

"Bro, two of the hottest and the most badass chicks in the school are dating. That's even better than having one us date them," a jock does a chest bump with another one of his friends.

Who the hell are they talking about?

Just as I was about to head down to the front office I see Mariana walking in with the new cheerleading uniforms with Cindy by her side and the rest of the team following from behind.

"Holy shit," I hear kids around me whisper in awe at the new uniforms.

Mariana had her in her signature style with matching ribbons. The new uniforms was a spandex long sleeve dress that stopped mid thigh level and they wore their cheerleading equipment along with their gym bags.

Matt has tight fitting joggers instead and they all walked down the hallway owning every inch of where they are seen as the center of attention.

"Yo Marshall!" Matt called and I turn around to see Olly coming from the opposite end of the hallway with a black crop top on, black ripped jeans, classic white on black vans and a scarf with our mascot knitted on it and our school's logo embodied onto it. She wore a smirk as she takes her shades off and swirl her keys into her pocket.

"Morning Donavan," she does a handshake with him.

"Ladies?" She nods her head smiling at all of them.

"Heyyyyy Olllyyy," they chanted in sync. Ugh kill me now.

"You were pretty wild Friday," one of the girls blushed.

"No harm in having fun. You all got home safe correct?" She chinks another grin and they group of girls nodded eagerly.

Mariana walks forward gaining Olly's attention and grabs both ends of her scarf to wrap around her wrists, pulling Olly closer and Closer.

"Be good, yeah?" Mariana makes puppy dog eyes at Olly.

"Anything you want me to pickup for lunch?" Olly serves that stupid charming smirk.

"Two Cinnamon rolls from Panera- don't go anywhere, I have a gift card that has like $200 on it somewhere in my bag. Mind holding my gym bag?" Mariana comes to realization and Olly holds her arms out waiting for the weight of the gym bag to be at her arms.

"Thank you," she kisses Olly's cheek and my brow twitched.

Mariana pulls out her wallet and hands Olly the gift card. "I don't care if you're not hungry, the second cinnamon roll is for you in case if you do happen to get hungry," she retrieves her gym bag and they both part separate ways as the first bell goes off.

The hoard of cheerleaders strut pass me, Mariana and either one of them didn't spare me a glance or even bothered to acknowledge me.

I turn over to see Olly just casually walking to class with some pep in her step and as she turns the corner, she hops in the air clicks her heels together with the biggest smile.

I couldn't bare it...

I rushed to my office and shut the door so I could cry. She's been avoiding me for weeks and now this. I didn't even mean over half the shit I told her that day when the incident occurred.

I'm so flustered with hurt, I did not sign up for this. I literally lost her to a cheerleader, how the hell do I even get her back... Donavan.

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