Chapter 71

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Olly's POV

"Soooo? Guysssss? What are you plans for Halloween?" Cindy starts.

I just groaned outloud at the picnic tables and Mariana giggles.

"I might do a horror movie marathon and stay in" Matt dips another chicken tender in his honey mustard.

"Got room for one more I groan?" And he nods his head assuringly and pats my shoulder.

"Well, change of plans; Mariana is throwing a costume party at her place. Come or be shunned for all of senior year," Cindy looks emotionlessly at her phone.

"Do I have to wear a costume?" I cover my head in my arms.

"I can help you pick one after school if you want," Mariana helps.

"I don't think so," Cindy cuts in. "We have a mandatory cheer meet after school- actually, on second thought, yeah you can go shopping with Olly. I can have Matt fill in for you ," she types something on her phone and gives a wink at Mariana.

Are you serious?

"We're just shopping," I shrugged.

"I know dumbass, That' literally what I said," Cindy rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, whatever," I shot my orange into the trash.

"Still trying to adjust from last week?" Matt muffled through with food in his mouth.

"It shouldn't bother me as much, but the feeling. Everything that I felt when shit went down still bothers me. Like the feeling- telling the truth and then nobody believes you. It's so nerve wracking. Imagine that in actual court cases, how many people are being locked up but they're actually telling the truth but there's no evidence?" I kicked an empty milk carton across the sidewalk.

"On the bright side, you just gave me a great essay topic for next week's paper," Matt nudged me and I shook my head with a smile.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, but Matt is right about the positive. Majority of the students banded together and protested that you didn't do it," Mariana reaches to my forearm and her hand brushes to my hand. I flinched a little but she gave me a gentle squeeze that eased me.

"Ugh, Olly, wasn't your last period a moment ago? Just take Mariana and go, the bitch literally has two classes on her schedules and their study hall periods every day. Mariana just chooses to linger," Cindy scoffs.

"You can be at home but you rather be here?" Matt yelled and some of the kids outside looked at us.

"I mean, I have my reason," Mariana laughed.

"Reason as in Olly being the only reason," Matt wiggles his brows.

"Hmmm yeah, I guess you could say that," she sighs dreamily and twirls her finger on the top of my palm.

"I know I'm trying to better myself as a human being about my homophobia and going to therapy to seek help about it, but Jesus at least try to meet me half way!" Cindy wales.

Matt scrunches up a piece of paper and chucks it at Condy's forehead.

"Shut it blondie, you were literally shipping them a few minutes ago," Matt barks and the whole table laughs.

"Did you drive today?" Mariana changes the subject.

"Uh yeah, why?" I shifted my engagement.

"I hitched a ride with Cindy-

"AS ALWAYS AND NEVER PAYS ME BACK FOR GAS," Cindy cuts in and she gets hit again in the face with another paper ball by Matt.

"Matt!" She throws her apple juice at him.

"Um anyways," Mariana nervously laughs, "I think it would be a lot easier if I just rode with you. I can show you where I live again," she bites the corner of her lip.

"Yeah that's fine, when and where do you want me to meet up with you?" I start packing up.

"Girls locker room in 20," she winks at me and blows a kiss as she skips off

"If I was straight, I'd so smash" Matt sighs.

"Dude come on," I groan.

"No, you come on," he play punches my shoulder.

"Seriously man, she's a great girl. Doesn't stir up drama. Crazy smart- like you, but we don't talk about that. And she definitely is a sweetheart- one time I left my wallet, she took me out after practice to a Chinese buffet. In all honesty, she has my support if she ever asks how to get brownie points with you," Matt looks at me seriously.

I'm actually considering this.

"I thought had to receive consent from the varsity team captain to be approved of dating one of the members," I raised a brow at the two, waiting for Cindy's retort.

"I can't believe- Olly, I consent to thy dumbass the right to date my right hand, Mariana Marie. Now shut the fuck up and ask her out," Cindy scoffs.

"I have a little more flare than just asking," I laughed

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