chapter 32

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Olly's POV

We pull up into the dealer ship/ my house. It's pretty much both and I meet up with my dad.

"What's this meeting about? And good morning Ms. Waters," he tipped his hat.

Nicole greets him back and he shifts his focus back to me.

"Dad, Nicole got me the best birthday gift ever!! And she currently doesn't have a place to stay. I know we don't have a guest room or any of that fancy shmancy shit, but can we at least let her park her vehicle in one of the garages and sleep there for a couple of nights? Just until she figures out a proper place to stay, it's a lot safer than a motel or an empty parking lot," I pleaded. And he laughs.

"Sounds like a request more than a meeting," he ruffles my hair.

"I'm being serious! Look at the gift she got me. The least I can do is this," i pouted and he smiles.

"I wanna see the gift she got you," he warmly smiled and I rush to her keep and grab the replica of my first skateboard.

My dad's facial expression dropped. He ran his fingers along the trucks and flicked the wheels. "I be damned," he quietly whispered.

There was a brief moment of silence and he spoke again, "Olly, you have a bunk bed. I know she's your principal and all, but I'm sure we can give her better hospitality than the garage," he pats the back of my shoulder.

"She's your guest Olly, so you're responsible to take care of her. You know business is busy on Saturday evenings and Sundays so you best get," he twists a towel and whips me.

"Just wait til I come back out here and steal all your customers," I shook my fist in the air.


"Your dad has zero to the slightest clue as to what he just agreed to doesn't he?" Nicole starts, as I make room for her and pull out the bottom bunk.

"He knows enough that in lesbian sex, doctors recommend latex gloves as protective sex," I shrugged and she snorted.

"But listen, the agreement was that you'll stay here until you're able to get back up on your feet. This is serious. If I hadn't done something, lord knows how many nights you'd be sleeping restlessly. You're important to me." I firmly stated and fluffed some pillows on the bottom bunk.

Before she could say anything, I quickly remove my sweatshirt and strip naked. I nearly folded my clothes and sat them on the edge of bed and grabbed a sports bra and a pair of shorts to go with my mechanic clothes.

"I'll be back in at sundown, just text my phone if it's important and if it's urgent, I'm outside working. Shower's on your right, if you need a snack, behind the front desk is a fridge. I have a cold sub with my name on it. Take half and there should be a bag of chips and a Lipton tea in the bottom beneath it. Be as comfy as you please. Oh- you can use my computer for work I guess, I have a laptop," I instructed and I tied my hair up in a bun.

The Principal's Office Where stories live. Discover now