Chapter 174

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Matt's POV

My titties hurttttt.

Olly is still staring out the window like she's doing a monologue for a movie and I'm starving.

"Drag racers huh..." olly started.

"Come on, this could be epic!" I was still focused on driving.

"After my experiences with cars? I'm always half assed dead!" Olly yelled.

True that.

But not the point.

"Her and blondie are totally the type of people we should hang out with for prom. Dude, come on," I talked sense into olly.

"But Nicole!" Olly whined.

"You're just gonna rush back to Nicole and you've just announced single not too long ago?" I tried to make up sense.

"Well, she's waited this long for me..." Olly's voice died down.

"So you're gonna skip out on senior prom with your best friend for a principle who will remain your principle until June?" I hit her with a good question.

"This is senior prom, Olly. We only get one night like this. What I'm trying to say is that, you will have dozens of more nights with your woman, but for just once- pick someone who can match your energy. That girl back there definitely had your vibe," I looked over and Olly was just Olly.

"You make sense when you're not getting your nipples tatted," she teased.

"Whatever, there's a McDonald's just up here, I'm starving," I pulled up to the restaurant.

"No drive through?" Olly unbuckled.


"Shove it," I got flicked in the chest where my nipple is and holy shit-

"It tickles," I started giggling but I soon broke into a laugh the second I saw how taken aback and confused olly was when I said so.

"Idiot," she growled and I held the door open. And I looked to see why Olly was frozen in her tracks.

"Me or-"

"Don't you say it. Just- don't make a scene," olly took a moment to breathe before walking up to the front counter ignoring the couple by the window- and by couple, I meant Nicole and whoever she's sharing fries with.

"What can I- you have really pretty eyes!" The cashier blurted out and her coworkers started laughing at her.

I'd laugh at her too but I'm still trying to figure out what the hell is going between Nicole and olly.

"Uh- thanks?" Olly still feels awkward and conflicted about being single. She wants to be with Nicole, but shit- how's that looking chief?

"Sorry, what can I get you started off with... jeez," the cashier just looked more awkward than before and I looked over to see olly sniffling.

"Don't be sorry, she's just- her grandmother died and she gets a lot of praise from the family about having the same eyes as G-ma," I threw together some shit that would make sense.

I won't lie, drama classes have been paying.

"Go to the bathroom and wash your face," I whispered and Olly nodded.

She stepped to the side and went to the bathrooms around the corner but she came back moments later with a face full of tears and quiet sniffles.

"I need to get my jacket, it smells like shit," i she choked a laugh and I warmly smiled at her as I handed over the keys.

"I'm so sorry, the cashier waited for Olly to leave and I just fanned her off.

"Don't be, she's tougher than she looks. Two quarter pounders, no pickles and extra mustard. And two Big Macs with extra sauce, a large fry, two large cups andddd you know what- six chocolate chip cookies. She'll better," I started chuckling and I swiped my card.

"I rung you up for large sodas but I'm giving you two large milkshakes. I'll even give you guys free refills. I feel really bad," the girl sighed.

"We can pay for the refills, we don't want you fired," I started laughing and she giggled.

Huh... she's blonde, blue eyes... cute pony tail, super nice.. why the heck not?

"Hey, are you in highschool?" I struck up a different conversation.

"Yeah, but I don't know what to do for prom," she groaned.

"Prom fever is real after all," I connected with her and she shrugged with a smile.

"You have no idea!" She chirped.

"How about you go with me? It'll be a double date since my friend in the bathroom will have a date as well. Nothing weird," I offered and she met my eyes.

"Y-you? We just met!" She started getting flustered.

"How memorable would that be? Prom with a cute stranger that you don't even know and going on a wild double date," I swayed her.

"What's the plan on the date?" She started getting curious.

Olly cameback out and the first thing her eyes shot at was Nicole's table as I handed her a chocolate milkshake... think matt, think fast and-

"If Olly's date is crazy as claimed to be, we'll be in for one hell of a night," I casually replied back but only a little louder this time to catch Nicole looking at our direction and Olly mindlessly just sucked her shake dry.

"It's empty," olly shook the empty plastic cup in front of me and went over to throw in he trash.

"Ring me up for another?" I pulled out my wallet.

"No." The blonde eyed.

"I- ma'am? I am a paying customer and I have rights," I joked a laugh and she started to smile.

"I already told you... refills are free.. I'm Casey," she blushed and I smiled.

"Matt," I smiled.

"But people call him flamingo for wearing flamingo boxers in public," Olly squinted.

"Oh my- wow... you're really wearing- just no pants- and I didn't even- wow.." Casey took a moment settle in.

"Welcome to my world," Olly walked off with a grunt and picked a table on the other side of the restaurant with her back facing Nicole.

Atta girl.

"She sounds drunk," Casey handed me the food.

"More like hopeless," I shrugged.

"Condolences to her for her grandmother," Casey gave a cute pout while looking at Olly.

"Her Wh- wait, thanks. I'll tell her," I remembered the lie I pulled out my ass cheeks.

We're not even gonna think about what Nicole is thinking right now.



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