Chapter 126

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Olly's POV

Honestly, I'd prefer working on New Years. I miss working with my dad a lot, I haven't forgotten what he said before my senior friend trip..

"Olly, I said you can go be with your friends, you've earned it. And you're grades are perfect," he Pets Jiggy for bringing him the flat head screw driver. I'm still amazed jiggy can bring a wrench and a flat head. That's all he can bring. We haven't talked about a 5.5mm and other shit, but still... amazing.

"They're all doing something with their families. You're my family dad, at least let me help out," I dragged with a smile.

My dad shook his head and grinned as well. "Nicole isn't doing anything as well?" He put his hand on my shoulder and I'm pretty sure he felt me flinch.

"Why would I be interested in what she's doing for New Years?" I looked at him carefully.

"I know all the good times you two had were before the incident but still, that one bad time shouldn't trump all the good ones. Take Jiggy over there to see her, I'm sure he'd be excited- ain't that right?" My dad looks over at the golden retriever and the little guy runs around in a circle and sits down with a cheerful bark.

I heavily sigh in defeat, if the dog says so... it's a go.

I quickly grab the keys to my car and open the door for Jiggy to jump into the passenger's seat.

I don't think it's formal to just drop by unannounced, i thought about dialing her but my phone was already ringing with her caller ID flashing.

"Hey, what's up?" I just went with it.

"Tell your dad Happy New Years! I didn't tell you that on your way out," Nicole sounded casually excited.

"Well, you can tell me that when I come back in because my dad doesn't want me working in the garage- oh and Jiggy wants to see you!" I looked over at my pal and he was wagging his tail with his tongue hanging out.

"Hmmm I guess I don't mind showing you to my parents," she contemplates.

"Wait what?!" I exclaimed as my heart sped up.

"Well, Olly, what did you expect? It's New Years and my family are together. Tell your father he's more than welcomed to come by. Please, no ripped jeans. Dress casual attire," she changes her tone into a tone that was warning but it was warm to me.

"I guess it's fair. Just no charades. I hate that game," I requested and I head her laugh.

"Bye, Olly," she chimes as she hangs up and I check my wallet to see how much money I have.. I never went shopping for dress casual clothes by myself before unless Mariana, Cindy and or Matt was around. This is actually a first.

"Well, I have you," I pat Jiggy's head and he savors the gesture.


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