Chapter 65

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Nicole's POV

I sitting at the countertop just scrolling endlessly at this week's emails. I have to do an assembly for all the seniors Friday and I don't think I should tell Olly about the assembly until last minute.

I'm head over heels about the young woman, but be damned if she pulls a stunt at an assembly. She can't possibly plan something last minute. I'll make an announcement during first period.

Keys jerk into the door and I hear light skittering across the floors and found my eyes looking at Jiggy's yellow gold fur.

I remained calm and waited for Olly to come in here but it seemed like minutes had pass.

I walked down the hallway and I could've sworn Olly would be the type just come in here and bug me. She must've been in a hurry to go back home, I know her father is worried sick.

Tossing my reading glasses to the side, I massage my temples trying to prepare myself how I am going to inform all of our staff about the assembly on Friday. Just then I hear grunting from my balcony.

I crept over to the sliding glass doors and turned on the lights. Taking a peak I see someone with a hood on their head as they... try? We're going with try, to climb over the rails.

Holy shit I'm being robbed!

Jiggy seemed to be just as alert as I was and I smoothly unlock the door and slide it open for the puppy to release his fury... I'm ridiculous.

Jiggy breaks for it and I reach over to grab my candle set as the closest object to me but I became fairly confused as I see Jiggy prancing around the intruder.

"Sit. Roll over to the left," the mysterious person commanded and the puppy did exactly so...

I continue to watch the intruder carefully as they finally reach the peak of the rails. I wonder if I should just push them off and call it even.

I hear a big heavy sigh from them and they just roll over taking a huge thud against the concrete.

"Ow?" They groaned softly.

I put my candle down and decided to get a broom, I'm not breaking such a thing.

I thought Olly said she was gonna train the damn dog, he's siding with the enemy- and... licking them?

"Stop that tickles!" I hear an angelic laugh.

Jiggy continues to prance on top of the person with the hood on and I still carried my stance as I hold the pokey side of the broom to their face.

"Wait, I come bearing gifts," they put their hands up.

They slowly get up and reach over the rails again to pull up a bouquet of squashed roses.

The masked intruder finally removes their hood, god damnit Olly.

"Tadaaaaa!" She holds up the bouquet pridefully as one of the stems break off and Jiggy dances under the falling petals.

I'm tired of her shit. I swung my broom at her and she ducks.

"I thought women liked flowers!" She dodges another swing.

"Damnit, you scared the shit out of me. We have a front door!" I swung for her head and she caught the end of the broom.

"I wanted to make it special. Like a Latin American love story where the guy is singing to the girl," she whined and snuck past me inside my apartment.

"Yeah, singing at a girl's balcony is romantic. Breaking an entering is not!" I lunged the broom and it's trajectory hit her upside the head.

"Owwww," she groans. "I'm never getting you flowers again," she grunts and pressed my heel against the center of her chest gently.

"I didn't say that. I said have some manners," I said huskily as I reach over to pick up the broom against and hold it at her chin.

"Yes ma'am," she licked her lips and smirked.

I couldn't help but smirk back at her as well because I'm just as turned on. Olly tries to get back up but I press harder with my heel and she winces and lays on her back.

"Tsk tsk tsk," I set the the broom down and start to position my self on top of her.

"You have an unexcused absence. Detention Saturday morning," I whispered in her ear and she has a hungry smirk on her face.

"Wouldn't want to miss it."

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