Chapter 122

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Cindy's POV

I know I'm not the stupid one here while all three of us wait for our rides to get here.

Matt's dumbass is munching on all the Cheetos he got from the vending machine... with my money. Ugh, he's such a prick sometimes- no ALL THE TIME.

I'm scrolling around on Instagram and Mariana texts me:

Mariana: you and Matt kissed😳

I do a legit eye roll and nearly got them stuck in the back of my head, I was so irritated.

Cindy: it was in the moment thing. Nothing to heart. I'm sure he agrees. We were about to get mauled by a dog.

"Hey Matt, was that kiss earlier with Cindy in the moment or what?" Mariana bursts out of no where. The fuck did she find time to grow a pair?

"It's progress, just give it some time," he vexes me as he continues to stuff his face.

I could feel a vein pop at the side of my temples I'm so pissed, "Matt, you and I are NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!" I screech and took a deep breath as the officers continue to look at us like we're crazy.

We are.

But that's none of their business.

"Anyways, are we gonna talk about how Olly has the principal's number?" I swiftly change the topic.

"Oh, apparently Olly did a huge favor when Nicole filed for divorce and got kicked out earlier in the year. She let Nicole crash at hers for a few days. That's why all those police were swarming that one day out the blue," Matt justified.

Hmmmm, yes. A favor to return indeed.

"I remember that day, you bull dozed kids down the hallway, like the miscreants they are, trying to get to the office. What happened that day anyways," I became more intrigued and Mariana was already attentive.

"When Nicole was crashing at Olly's, her crazy ex husband... you know, the one Olly puked on the first day of school? Yeah, he was there all bat shit crazy and hit Nicole so Olly broke his knee while beating his ass in the lot," Matt throws away his trash.

Mariana had her mouth wide open and I just sat there breath taken...

It does sound like something Olly would do...

"There has to be more to the story," I scoffed.

"Oh, there's definitely more to it. But, I'd rather you guys hear from Olly than me," he yawns and grabs his book bag.

We look out the window and see his Uber and he salutes on his way out.

I turn back to Mariana and she's still in shock. Poor thing, it probably sound horrific that Olly would do such a thing as crippling a man because he had laid a hand on a woman.

"Don't be scared of her- you're not scared are you?" I put my hand on her thigh and looks at me with teary eyes.

"Why does Olly always step up and try to protect that lady? No matter what Olly does for her, it's not good enough. Waters threw all of that out the window the day she turned her back when Olly needed her," she retorts.

"Hmmmm like Matt said, there's more to the story. They would've gone to Olly's place for questioning instead of waiting for her at school... I think Olly and Principal water's ex husband had some serious bad blood. But then again... why would those two have bad blood to begin with?" My nails tapped the arm rest the more I continued to think.

"Matt did say Olly puked on him..." Mariana mumbled. She still can't understand the relationship these two share, nor can I.

"That does sound like a valid excuse, but that was the first day of school. That's petty to hold a grudge like that so long," I insisted on my logic.

"True, wouldn't Nicole go to her family if she was kicked out," Mariana pointed out.

"Exactly." My tongue clicked as I got closer to putting the pieces together.

"Olly used to have a crush on her!"

"Nicole had an affair with Olly!"

"Wait- what?!" I retorted back at Mariana. And she blushed a bright shade of pink.

"An affair?! Is Olly even Nicole's type?" I raised my brow at her. I don't possibly see the two as an item- at all. Them being together is like water and oil.

But then again.... Olly and Mariana are together and they're the exact opposites.

"Anyone who helps other out of the kindness of their heart is anyone's type," Mariana smiles as she thinks about Olly. Give me a break would you?

"It doesn't matter, I still don't seem them being together. Come on, what's one thing that they share in common- besides the fact that Waters' ex husband deserves to get his ass beat," I scoffed.

"Beats me..." Mariana mumbled and my Tesla pulls up the to the police station.

"One more wild idea flies out that mouth of yours, you're gonna have to stay in my room away from tonight's guests," I raised my brow at her.

"Olly's capable of a lot of things and she has done twice a much. Who's to say she couldn't pull the Principal?!" Mariana whined as I drag her to the car.

"Says your best friend that signed off consent on Olly asking you out, the fuck. Plus, Waters... despite her mistakes... she's still a decent woman. She didn't have to bail us. But, I'm sure the last thing she wants is to be in a relationship with a girl like Olly," I adjusted my review mirrors.

"I'm with a girl like Olly," Mariana crosses her arms and pouts. Olly, what the hell have you been teaching her? She's rarely ever been this out going let alone carried this much spunk. Needless to say, it does suit her.

"You need to be with a girl like Olly... especially with the time slot you've been given. I'm noticing you're becoming more confident, Mariana, I really do. I envy that so much, being in such a stable relationship in this generation," I reached over and squeezed her hand gently.

"I'm no soft ass bitch, but Mariana, you're like a little sister to me. I wouldn't have placed you in the arms of a demon. Olly is sure to make the best of your final months here and make each second worthwhile- even if she isn't aware of the circumstances you're in..." I looked at her and tears were spilling from her face.

"Shh shh, no more crying. From here on out, we live the best of our days. There's no telling what's to happen tomorrow," I buckled up.

"Yeah, like how you and Matt kissed today," she sniffles a laugh.

"Oh, shut up," I shoved her playfully and she giggled.


AN: I'm brain dead right now, but answer this if you want:

Who's your favorite character in this book and what was the most bad ass thing they did when you read about them?😳

It's underrated, but my favorite character is Cindy bc she's going to therapy to deal with her homophobia and accept the fact that it's okay to be bi-curious. And her closest friends are people who have interest in the same sex, so she's a badass in my book- literally😂

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