Chapter 2

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Olly's POV

"Olly!! Waffles are ready!"

"Oh fuck yeah!" I exclaimed excitedly.

I could smell the eggos and maple syrup from my room. I threw on my maroon vans, long bleached ripped jeans and my grey Santa Cruz long sleeve with my lucky beanie. I licked my lips as I tied the laces and rand my hand across my bedroom wall trying to pick which board I want...

"Mmmmmmmm you!" I picked up my Arbor cruiser and took a good look at it. "An oldie but a goodie," I praised it.

I slid down the railway of the car dealership and made my way to the kitchen, "Good morning sport," my dad slid me  a plate of waffles and tossed the syrup across the kitchen.

I Odell'd that shit with my left arm and caught a grip with my other hand, pulling myself forward to prevent from rocking backwards off the stool. "Touchdown!" I yelled as I poured the syrup on the waffles.

"Well someone's excited for their first day of senior year," my dad chuckled. I dropped my fork and knife and choked on my food.

I hacked up a good chunk of waffle trying to breathe, "FIRST WHAT!?" I yelled.

My dad came back into the room with a backpack shaking his head with a smile, "just one last year, and you can come work with me, alright?" He squished my beanie on my head.

I'm excited to get school over with so I can get this show on the road.

"You know I'm proud of you right?" He helped me put on my backpack.

"Yeah, yeah yeah. Dad I know." My dad hmm's and kisses the top of my head.

"Just promise no trouble this year. I want to see you walk the stage," he hugged me tightly and my heart melted.

I recently came out to my dad over the summer that I liked girls and he was that one in a million who didn't judge. We both agreed that his support actually brought our relationship with one another a lot closer. I haven't seen my mom in like... ever. I hardly even remember what she looks like. My dad cries here and there. I sometimes wonder if it's because of me. I hate her for leaving...

My phone buzzes in my pocket, bringing me back into reality, I groan. It must be the first day of school, "okay dad I'll help out with the shop later on after school," I waved as I left the dealership.

"Olivia Marshall, well I'll be," Matt whistled as walked up.

His facial expression changed when he realized half of a waffle was hanging out of my mouth, "charming, just charming," he slowly clapped his hands and shook his head.

I took a bite and had the other half in my hand, "shut up twink." I grunted.

We both stared at each other in silence... He busted out laughing and it made me laugh as well.

"Did you hear?" I cruised along side of him and I shook my head while finishing my breakfast.

"We have a new principle, word says she's H-O TUH TUH TUH TEEEE."

I immediately stopped my board on the side walk. "Just how hot are we talking about?" I smirked and he rolled his eyes with a smile.

"You know I can't answerthat, I'm gay!" He punched my shoulder.

"You punch like a bitch," I laughed and he chased me down the side walk.


"Excuse me! Part of me! Coming through!" We were carving around students around the bus loading zone.

"Olly!" A girl screeched.

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