Chapter 22

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Nicole's POV

There was a good couple hundred of people here for the party and majority of them were students. We all gathered around the campfire and the head cheerleader had the football players carry a couple of presents.

"Guys, this is really touching.. I don't even think class president gets this type of treatment," Olly looked around sincerely.

"Girl, you're literally an icon! You're a rebel with morals," Matt said and everyone raised their cups "here, here!"

"Present time!" One of the cheer leaders started.

"Guys I'm serious, I'm not much of a taker, let alone a giver. I don't have much to give you guys in return," she shrugged. It was really admirable to see her humble.

"Dude you made highschool worth waking up early in the morning." Someone said.

"Right, all the crazy shit you do has literally made our days. Put a smile on our faces. You remind us that even though we have crazy expectations as we near adult hood, it's still nice to let loose," a girl raised her cup and everyone chanted "here, here."

Most of the presents were gift cards and funny photos of Olly in the prime of her shenanigans and they were... charming. She was down to her last two presents and one of them being mine. I couldn't wait to see the look on her face.

"Hey Olly, if you don't mind, could you open mine next?" A girl next to her asked nervously. She bit her lip when Olly tried to look her in the eye and Olly gave that signature smirk.

My skin boiled at what I saw. I felt... Jealous. I wanted to say something but I'd make a scene. I know I would.

"Alright, I'll open it," Olly lifts the other girl's chin and the girl's face had blushed.

"Oooooo Mariana's blushing at the birthday girl," Matt teased and her face reddened even more. "Shut up Matt, she's shy!" Olly called back. Yes Matt, just shut up.

A jock hands Olly Mariana's present and her eyes widened. "Whoah..." Olly softly gasps and lifts up her present. "I-I heard about your old board being wrecked and I thought I'd get you a new one yeah? It's a pintail longboard... I thought maybe you'd like it because you're always at the beach watching the skies," Marianna confessed and she caught Olly's full attention.

"This has got to be...I- I love it," Olly examines the features. It was a polished bamboo board that was shaped like a surfboard that had two white stripes going down the middle at the top with white wheels and had "Key West" engraved in cursive at the bottom. It was... impressive.

"Where'd you get this? It's so nice!" Olly ran her fingers across the engraving and I quietly sipped on my cup of beer, observing everything as my skin boils hotter by the second. "I- took wood-shop class for 3 years and this is my fourth and-

Olly had jumped to her feet and cut her off; "Wait you made this?! Nuh-Uh! Now way! Get out of here! Just for me?! Wow Mariana this is... this is great, really. I think this is my new favorite board," Olly looked at Mariana deeply and held her by the waist.

Everyone eyed them quietly as they ate their s'mores but I hid behind my cup of beer and just eyed them.

"W-what are you doing?" Marianna asked and bit her lip as she looked away from Olly. "Isn't this the part where we kiss so I can thank you properly?"

Olly lifted her chin to face hers and they locked lips instantly. I nearly choked on my beer and crushed my plastic cup. Luckily, nobody noticed because they were all whistling and howling about the kiss. It was so much, they even deepened the kiss. I felt my skin boil inside and out as I got up to take my present back as everyone was caught up in the kiss.

She invited me to make a fool of me and get under my skin. I should've known better.

It was a matter of minutes before the crowd died down and everyone started to clean up.

"Hey need any help with that?" I hear Olly's voice chirped.

She followed me up to the back of my car and offered a hand to help me to put my things away in the trunk and closed it up for me.

I couldn't bare it, I gripped her by the neck and slammed her against the back of my car.

"Nicole?" She gasps.

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