Chapter 23

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Olly's POV

I was struggling trying to breathe and Nicole just glared at me. I didn't think I did anything wrong.

"You invited me just to get under your skin," she growled.

Are you serious? "I didn't even think you were going to show. I was anticipating that'd you be a no show..." it was getting harder to breathe.

"Why the hell would you anticipate that?" her eyes glowed darker.

I couldn't tell if she was confused or angry but I guess I'm staying put for the time being.

"Because if you didn't show... I... I could keep flirting with you... I got the impression you were attracted to me... but now.." I was tapping out. I couldn't breathe.

Nicole lets go for a couple of seconds allowing me to breathe but she grips my neck again and just slams me back. I hack once again.

"But now?" She asks with a raised brow.

"But now... Like we discussed earlier, I'm a woman of my word," I start to hack.

she tightens her grip and leans in. "You did this," she said huskily making my skin tingle. She may be dominant right now, but I know I have the upper hand.

"Look at you," I gasped and her eyes flash in mine again. "You have me in the palm of your hand- literally and you're still the one resisting. No one's looking. What's the hold up?"

Nicole's grip tightens and I quickly took in a breath of air. "I'm not holding up anything."

She glared at me and shoved me a loose against her car and I pull her in closer to spin around pin her against her car with my grip on her hips.

"You act all high and mighty because you're my principal. But with me, those walls crumble..." I whispered and gently sucked on her ear lobe and her breath softly shudders into my shoulder. That's it.

"You feel that? That's your resistance weakening. The shakiness in your breathing, the hairs on the back of your neck spiking, the burning sensation throughout your body, the weak tingly feeling in the pit of your stomach, the weak feeling in your knees," I said in a calm state. Her hand snakes around my neck getting tighter.

Fuck, I thought this was the right approach. But she looks at me with lust dancing in her eyes. I could feel her breath on my lips. The smell of cheap beer made my mouth water for hers. My hands reach for her hips and I could feel her body shake. She's really trying so hard to fight this.

I gathered whatever strength I could find and pulled her into me so hard, she fell into my arms with hers wrapped on top of my shoulder and without hesitation we kissed.

It burned so much, it hurt. I loved it. The bitter taste of beer in her mouth and sweet taste of cherry chapstick on her lips. It drove me insane. I guess the feeling's mutual because she spins around to pin me against the car and immediately locks lips again without warning.

She kisses me back, harder and deeper. Everything tingled, god I wanted to take her right here and right now. I twirled around her and pinned her to the back of her car and kissed her neck. "Olly," she moaned into my ear. My hand traced her leg under the slit of her dress and she brings me in closer to her neck as she wraps one leg around me. Hearing her moan my name was all I needed. I wanted her so bad.

I leave kisses trailing up to her beautiful face and she looks up at me breathing hard, "detention, tomorrow. 6am, and be damned if you're late," her fingers walked against my chest as she bit her lip and her eyes danced with temptation.

"What did I do Ms. Waters?" I played along.

I see a different side of her tonight and I like it. Hell, I love it. "You started a food fight and vandalized school property with cake," she gave an icy glare that looked so sexy on her.

"I can volunteer to help the custodians clean up my mess," I reasoned.

And just as it couldn't any hotter, "no, there's a different mess I'd like for you to clean up. In my office," she tugged at the bottom of my lips with hers before slipping away from me.

"Oh and I guess we can have our own little private gift unwrapping session too in my office," she winked at me.

"A private party for two and cake is already pre ordered with free shipping and handling," I smirked back.

She hesitated at what I said and turned a little pink. "Happy birthday Olly," she got in her Jeep and I closed the door. "Goodnight Nicole," I said through her window and she kisses me before rolling up her window.

"Here lies the tall tales of the principal's office.. man oh man," I told myself as I watched her drive off. Nicole waves at me before pulling out to the street and I saluted with an empty plastic cup that straggled to my feet. "Here, here."

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