Chapter 100

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Mariana's POV

We reach the log cabin resort and Olly fell asleep on me again, I didn't mind. I took really cute photos of us while I could.

Matt: turn your airdrop on, I got a lil something something for you🙈

Mariana: It's on, no dick pic :/


I received an airdrop request from Matt and it's a picture of me and Olly kissing the snow... I just- I melted at the quality of the photo and how deep in the moment we were the way Matt captured it.

"It's a Live Photo, just so you know," he whisper yells and it shows Olly looking up at the snow before kissing me with the same smile.

The second I print this photo, I'm framing it into the keychain. That's that.

"Matt, this is everything," I pouted a lip at him and he scratches the back of his neck with a chuckle.

"Aw it's nothing really, I can imagine how hard it is to take pictures with Olly and the only time she'll cooperate is when she's sleeping.

You're not wrong, you are so not wrong.


We reach the resort and Olly groggily cooperates on waking up and she's practically zombie walking the whole way.

I'm kind of jet lagged myself but my heart is racing every time Matt and Cindy wiggles their brows at me as we get to our designated log cabin.

"Marshall?" Ms. Miriam comes towards us.

"Mhm?" Olly rubs her eyes and yawns.

"It seems to be that you turned in your form at the very last minute. All the special request spots were finalized a month in advance before the due date. You'll have to share a cabin with the principal since the cabin with the chaperones and staff are already filled," Miriam gives a weak smile.

I felt Olly's body twitch and she eases again, "fine." She sighs annoyed but she smiles at Miriam and sits on the doorstep of the log cabin, me and the cheer squad will be staying at.

"Of all people in the world..." Olly shakes her head.

"Aw come on, it's Christmas. I know she had it out for you a while ago, but just this once- just one time Olly, let there be a temporary truce," I nudged her and she chuckled.

"How do you do that?" Olly's blue green eyes pierce through me. I couldn't speak, I was frozen- speechless.

"Not sure what it is you're talking about," I nervously laugh.

"Being positive!" She exclaims with the most amazed look on her face.

"Uh- I don't know. I just do it," I started blushing like crazy.

"I wonder if I can sneak over if the principal doesn't notice me going in and out the cabin," Olly thinks out loud.

I shove her playfully and grinned, "I don't want you getting into anymore trouble," I cup her face and she grabs my hand and kisses the top of my mittens.

"I guess you're right.. I've already gone off on a teacher, then I snuck away from the group for a snowball fight, and then I threw a snowball at our principal all in less than 24hrs... yeahhh I could use a break," she chuckled and I rest my head on her shoulder.

"You should go settle in with your roomie," I teased and she sighed.

"Literally, can't wait." She sounded so bland.

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