Chapter 3

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Nicole's pov

So that was Olly?

I thought Olly was a boy!

I was pacing back and forth trying to think. She left her beanie behind after that collision, she has to be looking for it, there's a signature on it.

I could hardly remember anything except her blue eyes..

I looked her name up in the school system and she's not showing up at all. I called in the whole staff to see if they know anything and literally everyone her knows her by Olly.

Michael is not making this any easier either. "Expel her, now! This is complete bullshit!" He continuously wipes himself clean.

The stains were still on his clothes. It's repulsive really, but it suits him...

"Michael just leave," I finally sat down at my desk and rub my temples.

He scoffs and looks at me absurd. "Are you kidding me?!" He slams his hand on the desk making me flinch.

"None of the staff can identify her and it's my first day here. Your presence for quote on quote moral support in return for sex is not working," I snapped back.

"I'm a man. A man has needs Nicole. If you won't fulfill them, what did you think was going to happen?" He's so full of shit. I wish Olly just shat on him instead.

"A divorce?" I raised my brow and tossed my glasses to the side of the desk.

He grunts and slams my door.

Finally, I can breathe.

Now back to this Olly situation. I really was convinced she was boy.

Few moments later I hear a rhythmic knock on my door and I was just about to snap but speak of the devil, it's her.

"Heyoooo mmmmmmm Mrs... erm idk. I heard douche bag out there call you Nicole." She leaned back against the door.

"That's my husband," I corrected her and she just smiled.

"Ahh I see, he had it coming. You're very welcome gorgeous," she playfully winked at me.

As much as I was pleased to actually see him be publicly humiliated, this conversation is starting to get a little inappropriate. "I didn't thank you," I raised a brow.

She just shook her head and flopped down on a seat across from me. "You didn't have to, judging by the yelling I heard outside, he's a jerk to you."

She looked me straight in the eye when she said that last part as she fiddled with my cup of pencils and pens. I was shocked by this but I remained professional.

"Olly that's inappropriate, I'm your new principal," I corrected her again.

She leans, "oh but your husband disrespecting you is? Give me an address and I'll demonstrate real disrespect," she gave a sly smile.

I just stared at her.

She's flirting with me. A student is flirting with her principal.

"Aw come on Nicole, I won't tell the police you were an accessory to the crime," she pleaded with her lip.

It was so luring watching lips beg for approval- what am I thinking. Pull it together Nicole.

"Olly, for the last time, I'm your principal." She smirked at me, it looked... suitable to her fit.

"I'm just here to set the record straight. The boy I was with earlier this morning? Yeah, him. He had nothing to do with it. That's all me. I'll take full punishment," she looked dead serious.

She some serious wit to do what she did this morning. Now she wants to take full blame for her friend? I can't tell if she's serious or not.

"Very well, this weekend Saturday and Sunday, you can come in the morning at 6am for detention. The session lasts for three hours," I said clearly. I watched her groan.

"Ugh, there goes my morning to watch the sun rise," she whined.

I knew she couldn't take the blame. But I continued to take note of her.

"In the name of Matt Donovan, I'll do it. But two conditions," she puts up two fingers and her blue eyes are attentive towards mine.

"Can I eat breakfast in the library and two, Are you sure you even wanna write me up?" She smirked as she crossed her arms.

Her arrogance really pushes it. "This is my school, I make the rules. I don't take orders from students. What makes you think I won't write you up?" I turned my nose up.

"It's okay to not say it out loud, but don't lie to yourself that you didn't enjoy what happened to him," she leaned over the desk making herself inches away from my face.

She smelled like coconut and strawberries..

"I want your name Olly, what's your name?" I said in a mere whisper.

She was enjoying this, "is that all you want Nicole?"

"That's Ms. Waters to you," I pointed my finger at the center of her collar bone and pushed her away.

"I thought you were married, wouldn't it be Mrs?" She keeps giving me that ridiculously charming smirk.

"Don't change the subject," I scolded her. I've filed for divorce already, I'm just giving Michael the benefit of the doubt before calling the lawyer.

"Olivia Marshall," she saluted her way out, but just before she could leave, I grab a hold of her arm.

"Oh? Is there something else you'd like to discuss?" Her eyes danced in mine.

"I'm holding onto your skateboard until you've come to detention. Consider it an insurance policy that you'll show up." i grabbed it from her grasp, and she actually looked upset.

She shrugs with a small smile as she casually picks up her beanie from the counter and puts it back on.

"No hats in the building! Take it off!" I yelled from my office as she leaves.

"I'm sure you'd like to see me take it off," she licked her lips as she closes the door.

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