Chapter 163

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Matt's POV

"Spill," Cindy pulls me aside from the hallway.

"Why I was sent to Waters?" I looked at her confused and she flicks my forehead knowing I'm acting koi.

"Yes, the fuck?" She gives me a look. It's coming to my attention that I'm in the varsity cheer squad and if I get written up, that's not a good look and coach won't be pleased.

"Quote on quote sexual harassment for the English teacher... it's okay, I bargained," I pushed her off me and the seriousness of the conversation I just had with Ms. Waters.

Still kind of hazy about the huge confession.. but someone had to acknowledge it.

"The hell did you bargain?" She became curious.

This would've been easier for olly to wiggle out of. She literally saved the woman's nephew but I know better. Olly has done more than that for our principal.

What would olly say in a situation like this? Even I know Olly's first step would be to avoid being placed in a situation like this. For the principal's sake.

"Donavan, eyes up here," Cindy snaps her fingers and points at her green eyes.

"Gotta bail, I needa find Olly for this," I left her hanging.

I'm so toast.


"Why did you think it was a good idea to just up and leave Cindy- CINDY," olly shakes me up as we stand alone in the boys locker room.

"I mean- what did you bargain her to get out of trouble. I'll admit, I'm privileged in ways more than one but for you to pull one... that's gotta take something," olly leans against the lockers and I lay my back flat on the benches.

"May or may not have told her a little something something about the surf board," I shrugged and stared up at the lights.

"I'm not sure how you managed to sell that, But you do have a way with words and presenting them," she cuts me a break. I can tell olly any and everything but I have no clue on how she might react if I were to tell her that this is the second time I've talked in private with Waters about getting her and olly back together.

"I didn't think the prank was that bad, what's bothering you," she sits next to me.






"Uhhh Matt?" I get tapped on my forehead and my nose scrunched.

"Off my game today man, ever had those?" I say up an tilted my head.

"I'm sure we've all had those before. No pressure. What do you wanna do later?" She starts going on her phone and jingles her car keys.

"Practice today," I reminded her. I hate reminding her because I'd so bail. Olly also gets bummed out about it too so I feel even worse. Yeah, she brushes it off like it's nothing but she's still bummed out.

"Thanks for reminding, I guess I can-"

The boys locker room door bursts open and- fuck...

"Olly! Principal's office NOW," the school's male coach roars.

"Well shit, I guess I'll figure it out after going to her office," she gathers her belongings and causally waved me off on her way out.

I only hope Ms. Waters remembered what I said earlier.. but even with that, they still manage to be together. Weird.


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