Chapter 92

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Olly's POV

Dinner was great, I mean really great. They're not really big on customs but we got a catering package of Korean food. Shit was heaven.

"Olly, what are your plans after school?" Mariana's mom looked at me.

"I- uhhh... college I hope," I didn't sound so convincing. I got a few looks but my dad goes into his coat and pulls out some papers.

"I've been raised by a single parent and have been a single parent. I'm not sure what to do with these, but maybe you could help me, so I could help my daughter..." my dad admits humbly and they hand them whatever it is.

Mariana looks at me confused and I was in the same boat with her.

Mariana's parents were really impressed with whatever the hell they were looking at. Probably the number of referrals I have, that sounds more accurate.

"Ms. Marshall, you're a fine student!" Her mother exclaimed and sets her wine glass down.

"Practically Ivy League. Your academic performance in public schooling is exceptional," Mariana's dad takes a closer look at my high-school transcript.

Damnit, Matt was the only one that knew I was smarter than what I led on. Shit, Mariana gets up to see what the hell they're talking about and her eyes get big as well.

"Olly, I never knew this about you.." she softly whispered and blushed a little.

"Kinda hard to bring something like that up when you're the school's biggest class clown," I shrugged and brushed the topic off.

"Nonsense, you're more like a misunderstood hero," Mariana's mother steps in.

"Even villains have the concept of being the hero in their world to the their loved ones. It's just misunderstood from the author's definition of what a hero should be..." and she made me think. Like really think.

"So they're both heroes, but with different viewpoints on how to go about things?" I maintained an interest in this subject. Maybe I'm not bad after all, I just see things differently.

"My point exactly," Marianna's mom raises her glass and winks approvingly.

"Who knew  a conversation about antagonists and protagonists could get so political," I sat back on the couch mind blown.

"Now now, that doesn't apply to every story. For instance, a rapist does not share any relativity to this. That's just pure evil," she simply justifies and I was even more blown away.

"I wasn't even thinking that far deep into it! Just think about it; you have two armies fighting against eachother. One soldier kills another soldier in the name of loyalty to their country. But at the same time, their also taking the life of a loved one from their enemies' loved ones. How can you possibly say you're the good guy with that at the back of your mind?!" I sat on the edge of my seat.

Mariana's dad looks at me approvingly with a grin, "I know we're not very traditional people, but Jimmy and Olly, I truly am pleased that you shared your thanksgiving with us. Especially you, Ms. Marshall. With words and a mind such as that, I'd be the real class clown to underestimate you," he raises his glass in significance to me and I blushed red.

I felt seen, like I'm understood. My dad nudged me, telling me to speak.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me," I got to up to reach his hand but he put his hand up, stopping me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I looked up a YouTube video about how to be formal, I thought this was convenient," I started getting nervous.

Without even blinking, the man gives me a hug and his wife looks at us admirably.

"I don't think I'm gonna forget a person like you. Jim, you should be proud!" he boasted.

And he's right on that, this is all because I had a loving father.

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