chapter 123

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Nicole's POV
(I can feel you smiling, stop it😂)

"Yes I can, I know how to install an engine!" Olly shouts as she pushes the shopping cart full of groceries down the parking lot.

"You do realize we went grocery shopping at Walgreens because it's late and you're yelling in an empty parking lot?" I whisper over to her and she just frowns at my face.

I giggled at her damaged spirit as she wraps things up with her father.

"It's not a secret recipe... one of the home economic kids made Mac and Cheese one time and it was done southern style. I could only recall the steps to it because I watched them make it after I made my grilled cheese and tomato soup," Olly confessed and I snickered a laugh as I started the Jeep up.

I was happy me and her were comfortable with one another like we use to be, I actually think the level of comfort now is better than the first time for some odd feeling. still, I shouldn't pull any tricks out my sleeve. Olly's a good person with good intentions, it's set in stone she won't go behind Mariana's back. It'd eat her up alive if she cheated on her and I'd feel like shit for putting her in that position.

"Nicole, you're doing that thing again," Olly mumbled softly.

"What thing?" I kept my eyes on the road.

"The thing you do with your brows and then that crinkle goes straight down between them. Cindy's crinkle splits into two more because her nostrils flare," she butts.

"Olly, if you're making fun of me for thinking in the privacy of my own thoughts, goddamn you!" I shout and she laughs freely.

"I didn't put it like that, so I tried to be nice," she whined trying to contain herself.

We pull up to my apartment and people were already sounding off fireworks. Making my way up the steps, I realized that if Olly's going to stay at my place for the night, she needs to have spare clothes!

"What?" She grunts trying to carry the groceries up the steps.

"You don't have spare clothes? You're covered in grass and dirt stains," I picked a piece of grass from her hair and she flinched back- damn. I think I pulled her hair too.

"Just give me a towel and I'll sleep on the floor or something. Can't dirty up the couch, that's faux leather," she remembers perfectly.

"No, just use my shower and borrow one of my hoodies for the night. You can return it whenever," I softly smile at her and she chinks a happy smile as well.

Opening my door, olly rushes in dropping all the grocery bags on my counter top and runs to the bathroom- did she have to go to the restroom this whole time?

"I have to pee! I didn't want to take a piss in front of everyone at the police station," she toddles awkwardly from the speed she's going to the hallway and closes the door.

A few minutes passed and I was still laughing at how ridiculous all of this was. The toilet flushes and water started running so I thought I could make myself useful.

I laid out a few pots and pans, whatever she might need to cook and headed over to my room... oh... I need to clean up.

Grabbing a trash bag, I gathered all the liquor bottles and stuffed them into the bag. I'm pretty sure she'd be beyond upset to see this after the discussion we had from the cabin resort.

After tidying up the place a bit, I grabbed a black sweatshirt that had the Ralph Lauren logo on it and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Who is ittttt?!" Olly sings from the shower. Annoying piece of shit, I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"I have a sweatshirt for you, where do you want me to put it?" I call as I continued to listen to running water.

"Just leave it on the toilet seat," I hear water splash and a few fain scents of my shampoo being used.

I bit my lip for some odd reason and did my best to maintain composure. I casually opened the door the and scrambled to get out as soon as I got in. Any second longed, my feet would be glued to the floor.

"I'm gonna take the trash out while I wait okay?" I leaned on the door.

"Sure!" She chirps and my back slid down leaning against the door.

The things this woman is capable of doing to me and she doesn't even realize it.

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