Chapter 142

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Nicole's pov

I could not let go of what happened this morning. The one time I come late to school, I missed out on numerous things. And by numerous, I mean Olly.

I was stressed and worried when it was brought to my attention that Olly was getting mulled over by three guys from earlier in the school. I don't care if she held her own, it's the fact that it happened and I wasn't here.

I pulled together my notes and what I thought of the situation as I watched students herd through the hallways trying to get home.

A familiar rhythmic knock catches my ears and I warmly smile, "come in Olly," I called.

"How'd you know it was me?" She pouts and pulls a seat across from me. I couldn't help but smile.

"You knock a certain way and we were scheduled to talk about what happened earlier this morning," I became concerned as my smile faded.

Olly shrugged helplessly with a smile, "I guess that's their way of New Years Resolutions. It was pure self defense as you can see. They didn't even let me grab my inhaler. If I make a case out of this, it'll be a serious one and last thing I need is to be on the headlines again... I can hear it now, 'holiday hero makes another trip to the hospital." She sarcastically pumps her fist in the air.

"They won't get away with it easy," I growled and clenched my pen.

"Well, you technically run the school. So by all means Nicole... run the school," Olly makes me crack a laugh and she smiles warmly towards me.

"How's Xavier?" She changed the topic.

"He's swears you're a super hero," I shook my head with a smile as I adjust my glasses to finish up an email.

"I wish I had a cape," olly sighed.

"Mhm I bet you do. Now, how's your body? No muscle aches? No bruises- apart from the one from a few nights ago," I take my glasses off and Olly shakes her head.

"Nope," she chirps.

"I see, just be careful Olly... I care about you too," I looked at her and her face softened and even glowed a little.

Packing my bags, I hear Olly suck in her breath and she merely winces. I pop my eyes back up and I realize she can barely lift her arm up to open the door.

"Olly, come back here... now," I raised my voice.

Moping, she drags her feet and faces me. I know that face... she's hiding something.

Damnit Olly, I swear to god...

"Unzip the hoodie," I shook my head with the worst possible thoughts coming into mind and I tossed my glasses with a heavy sigh.

"I'd rather not," Olly stalls for as long as she possibly could.

"Take. It. Off," I glared my eyes in the dead center of her greenish eyes I took note on how they dilated with irritation.

Gently and cautiously, olly slides off the denim jacket and unzips the hoodie underneath it. She winced trying to get her arms out and I rush over to help her.

I swiftly and carefully removed her clothing and my heart dropped at the sight of her bruises.

These can't possibly be from the explosion that night. I gently ran my finger over them, just skimming how dark and discolored they were from her shoulder and her sides. I was crying long before I even saw the marks over her body.

"Nicole..." olly spoke softly and I shushed her and covered my mouth trying to contain myself from hiccuping any tears.

"Would you be angry with me if I suggested that you do your schoolwork from home?" I muttered under my breath.

I can't believe a round of boys would do this to her, Olly doesn't even know of them. Just why? All the nice and kind things she's done... just why?

"Yeah, it's not your call to make. I want to be here," she shrugged and her abs would flex out of pain when I touched the bruise on her shoulder... that's where that boy stepped on her with his foot and she was reaching for her inhaler.. just watching the security footage was painful enough as is.

"How can you say that and you get pushed around like this?!" I pointed out the bruises and irritation marks across her body.

"Friends! Okay?! Friends! I miss my friends!" Olly's eye met mine with an equal amount of intensity as mine.

We stood face to face with each other and neither one of us was letting the other go easily.

"I want to be here," Olly's green eyes pierced through me and I gave out a hopeless sigh. Who am I to challenge a young woman such as her. Once her mind is made, it's made.

I took one more glance as the bruises and blinked away the last bit of my tears... or I tried to. Olly gave it her all to raise her arm to reach over and wipe my tears. I was shocked but I longed for her touch. I wished it stayed.

With a shuddering breath, my hands gently glide down both sides of Olly's arms and I reach for her hands, "just... be careful, okay?" I looked her in the eyes and she gives that charming smirk of hers.

"No promises," she licks her lips and I was thrown off guard.

A genuine happy smile stretches across Olly's face and she grinned at me, "kiddinggg! But I'll try my very best," she picks up her clothing and throws them back on.

"It's 2:30, I have to take my other half a dose and rush over to tryouts. We'll chat later when our time comes!" Olly rushes out.

I sat on my desk messing around with my utensils cup and thought...

When our time comes indeed, olly.


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