Chapter 83

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Mariana's POV

I can't believe this happening!

I touched up on my ribbons and did an anime girl pose in the mirror. I cant stop smiling about this, Olly is such an amazing person. She's everything and moreeee.

I leave the bathroom and skip down the hall to get my strawberry pocky (Asian snack) from my locker. I needed a snack and I know I told Olly a cinnamon roll instead of something heavy, but I can't eat heavy things through out the day. I'm literally practicing cheer half the time I'm here and then sometimes after school as well. Cindy's lenient towards me because she knows I practice hours on the routines and numbers. I'm still new at this, I'm grateful that Matt helps me out from time to time. But he swears I'm helping him.

But I seriously need something to eat if Cindy doesn't need me at practice today after school. I also don't want Olly to worry about my diet. I literally eat junk food as dinner. I know that concerned look on her face when I told her that I'm home alone a lot.. she's such a sweetheart. But I don't want her to feel bad for me. I'm a strong girl.

I finish munching on my Pocky and down it with a bottle of water.

I was just on my way back to the aerobics room to finish up my routine with Cindy and a few girls to shower and meet up with Olly for lunch... well she's gonna be out for a little bit to go to Panera and back, I'll have more time to touch up on my hair.

I felt a strong grip on my arm from behind catch me off guard and I was pinned against the lockers.

I don't even know this guy and he's breathing down my neck. "You're too cute to be dating a dyke. I can do better," he grazes my neck with his teeth.

"Get off me loser!" I shout and gut him in the stomach.

I catch him off guard and slip out from his grasp and do a round house kick clean across his face.

He wipes his lips from blood and has this crazy look in his eyes.

"Feisty, I like you even more. We're gonna have so much fun," he whistles as two more guys come out of hiding.

I start hiccuping tears knowing I stand no chance. I drop to the floor crying covering my face, I'm so alone and defenseless. It'd be different if it was just that one guy, I'd slide his ass clean across the floor. But it's three.

They laugh as they circle around me getting closer until I hear one of them grunt in pain as an object hits them. I open my eyes to see them completely knocked out cold by a football.

I look up and see Olly with her dark shades on, chewing bubble gum and holding a stapler.

"Next one that reaches for my girlfriend gets their fingers stapled together. Got it?" She looks emotionlessly as she blew a bubble. Her tone was very cold, it's not often I see her like this.

"It's two of us," one of the guys snarled.

Olly takes a heavy sigh and neatly sets her glasses and scarf to the side and spits her gum into the trash, "okay fags, meet your daddy," she smirks and they come rushing at her.

She ducks the first swing quickly and elbows one of them in the stomach. Olly does a back kick to fight the other guy but he catches her foot and I cover my mouth.

"Oh please, I hang out with cheerleaders," she scoffs.

Using her free leg, she twists her body and takes advantage of her momentum to twirl in the boy's grasp and swings her free leg to sweep his face and they both drop to the grown. Olly was more prepared as she lands in push up position and swings both legs around to sweep the guy in front of her from earlier off balance and he hits his head against the lockers.

Dusting herself off, Olly didn't realize the other guy was getting up.

"Olly, get down!" I yelled and she ducks as I spin of her back to kick the creep straight in his chest.

"Damn girl," Olly grins and picks her belongings back up.

I didn't spare a passing second, I flung my arms around her crying like shit. I don't even care about my makeup. I was so fucking scared about what could've happened if she hadn't showed up. And I was also scared as shit if something were to happen to her if I wasn't so defenseless.

"Hey, we're all good- apart from them," she fully wraps her arms around me and holds me tightly. It's like she was trying to hold me tight enough to keep from falling apart. She smelled really good, I'm not sure why I took note of that, but I'd rather try and guess her perfume than to guess what were those creeps intentions.

"Olly and Mariana Marie, Report to the Principal's office," the intercom goes off.

"We didn't even do anything," I wiped my tears and noticed a security camera on the other side of the hallway.

"Baby girl, we just beat up like three guys. We did something," she laughs as she wraps her arm around my shoulder.

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