Chapter 169

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Olly's POV

"You're hot fudge sundae isn't looking too hot," Chiharu takes a jab at my ice cream and smiles as she takes a bite.

Only a small smile came across my face and she shrugs with a soft smile.

"So what's the plan?" She takes me head on. I just looked at her blankly and she rolls her eyes with a another smile.

"The plan where you talk to your girl?" She cocks a brow and I just continued stabbing my hot fudge.

"I'll do it today," I said faintly. I know I can't bring myself to the task. I'm just saying I'm doing it but I know I won't and I'd search any and everything to avoid this.

"I'll be there," Chiharu catches my eyes and she reaches for my hand with both of hers.

"Listen, everyone else pretty much knows except for me and I'm just as shocked. I just- feel like it will lessen the impact if I was there with you and all..."

I took a moment to look at Chirharu, like really look at her. As if it's the first time I'm noticing her fully.

"I'm not breaking up with her," I nearly snapped but I kept my tone in check. Chiharu didn't mind, she still smiled weakly at me as she understood exactly what was going on in my head.

"I know you're not doofus, you're confronting her for not communicating about something important that affects your relationship," she leans back into her seat.

"Yeah," I scooped up melted ice cream and it plop back into my waffle cone bowl.


"Sooooo?" I played along. I have no idea what she's expecting.

"Olly, really?" Chiharu rolls her eyes, this time it's like Cindy.

"I can't," I simply had a quirky and uncomfortable frown with scrunched brows. Chiharu couldn't take my face seriously and almost laughed but she pulled out her phone and gave it a spin across the table.

"That's why I am," she said proudly and I looked at her phone and her sending a text message "sos" to the group chat and sharing her location..

"Bruh..." I just straight frowned at this girl.

"Push comes to shove. Thank me later. This conversation needs to happen for better or for worse and I'm sure each and everyone of our friends will be here to support you and Mariana every step of the way," she grabs my soggy waffle cone bowl that's soaked in apparently liquid cream and chocolate syrup.

It didn't take long for Matt, Cindy and Mariana to pop up at the ice cream parlor- in their cheer uniforms.. we so interrupted a cheer session. I know how Cindy gets this time around.

"Yo," Matt nods across the parlor and I nod back.

Mariana waves nervously with a smile and I curled my lips just barely as we both don't know a single clue about what's to happen here.

Cindy- well Cindy has a resting bitch face. She just raises her brows approvingly and calls it a day, honestly, that's about as nice she can get when she's stressed with competition.

"What's the emergency? We stopped a session and left- what's her face in charge?" Cindy flips her hair at Mariana.

"I think it was one of the new girls? We're still getting familiar with one another," Matt fills her in.

"I was talking to my right hand, but okay Donavan. Do you," Cindy snaps as the three sat across from me at a booth and Chiharu changed her seat to sit next to me.

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