Chapter 151

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Olly's POV


Matt is pacing back and forth in my room along with Chiharu- she doesn't know everything everything.

"Let me get this straight- never mind I'm not even straight.." Chiharu shrugs hopelessly.

"Does Mariana know the principal has the hots for you?" Chiharu takes a different approach.

I heavily sigh at this guilty part... I'm not lying to Mariana, but I am keeping a secret from her.

"That sweet daughter of an angel encouraged Olly to share a log cabin with the woman- for fuck sake chinky!" Matt exclaims frantically.

My head flipped from one side to the other on my bed as I see one of my skateboard trucks go flying across the room and damn near put a dent in my wall if my skateboard collection wasn't hanging.

"We're friends, but not that damn close where we can call each other racist nicknames just for kicks, bitch!" Chiharu's glare beamed through her bangs. I might as well say her knuckles cracked the moment she gripped them.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm. Sorry. I'm not racist, I swear.  Let me know when we've reached that stage in our friendship," Matt holds out his hand to shake hers.

Without hesitation, Chiharu shakes his in return.

"Olly can call me Chinky," she smirks and twists his wrist as he goes to his knees.

"Easy goddamn! I need these wrists to hold up pom poms," Matt winces and I chuckle as these two figure it out. A few seconds had passed and Chiharu flicks Matt in the forehead and shoved his head backwards as she sits comfortably on my desk and he crawls to my chair.

"Well?" Chiharu blows a lock of hair out her face and crosses her arms.

"No..." I mumbled and sat back up.

Matt was about to say something until scratching caught our ears and I realized Jiggy probably wants to play. He's grown up so much.

"Chiharu, don't eat my dog," I teased as I made my way over to the door.

"Please, I may be Asian, but I eat cat. Whatever breed Cindy is," she purrs with a smirk.

"Try hellcat," Matt grunts.

"I hear they're sexy in black," Chiharu grips his cheek and he wails.

Suddenly, my doors busts wide open and we all avert our attention to a fully grown golden retriever at my my door sitting diligently... his tongue hanging out his mouth... eyes glittering... tail wagging vigorously.

Oh boy.

Jiggy barks and at lightning speed, he launches himself mid air and into my arms.

Holy fuck I don't remember him being this heavy!

"Down," I laughed as he licked my face and he hops off with ease and skips to make himself comfortable on my bed.

"HE'S ADORABLE!" Chiharu gushes over him.

"Don't eat him," Matt warned sarcastically and Chirharu rolled her eyes.

"I'd rather steal your job and income as the weak white boy you are than eat a damn dog. Matt, go fuck yourself," Chirharu flicked him in the forehead.

"Listen here immigrant!" Matt protests.

"What about it, Christopher Columbus?!" Chiharu goes at it again.

"Im no colonizer but you will understand your place!" He declares.

"Sail your boat in this ocean and you'll sink like Titantic and drown like JACK," Chirharu scoffs.

"Keep running your mouth, Jill, I'm about to make you go fetch a pail of water for your dry ass comebacks," Matt's voice bellowed.

"Just don't bust your crown when you tumble down... JACK!" Chiharu sticks her tongue out.

Me and Jiggy's head went left and right... left and right.... and left and right again... and again. And again...

"THIS ISNT FAIR! LET ME WIN ONE!" Matt whined as the back talk starts to come to an end.

"You won this country, isn't that enough?" Chiharu raises her brow.

"Msppfhgsksgg," I stuttered and covered my face, trying not to laugh.

Matt brushed me aside and kept his focus on Chirharu, "My white ass waves his white flag," he gets on his knees to worship Chiharu and she looks at her nails unbothered.

"Donavan... you have now achieved the privilege of calling me 'Chinky',"she winks at him and gives him a peace sign.

"Wh-huhhh? How did Olly get the privilege?" He whines.

"Do you not see how hot she is? Please, I'd let her call me her 'favorite slut' if she was single," Chiharu brushes her bangs.

All of our phones vibrate as it was a text from Cindy..

Cindy: can't laser tag this week, maybe some other time. I'll make it up, hell- I'll cover all expenses. Me and CHIHARU have some boundaries to lay down on Friday night at my place. Give her my number...



"What's that one tik tok? Where it goes 'show me how you can get a girl's number without asking for her number?'" Chiharu smiles smugly in Matt's face.

"What the hell is going on here?!" He exclaims and takes the words right out of my mouth. I bet it's because of whatever she whispered in Cindy's ear at lunch.

My phone buzzes and it's a separate text from Mariana.

M&M's: babeeee

Olly: that's me :)

M&M's: can you figure out wth Chirharu told Cindy bc Cindy was blushing and getting antsy while she sent that text. We're wrapping up our brainstorm session of coming up with new routines.

Olly: if only I knew..

M&M's: call me if you wanna sleepover at my place again.

M&M's: don't forget to tell your dad and Jiggy I said hey, byeeeee <3

I smiled at my phone as I put it back in my pocket and I found Chiharu and Matt smirking at me.

"You're such a simp," Matt teased.

"For once, I agree with Columbus here," Chiharu nudges Matt.

"Hey you two are suppose to be at war," I pouted.

"We signed an armistice. We're at a temporary truce," Chirharu smirks.

"...yeah you're way too fucking smart. What the fuck is an armistice?" Matt blurts and we all laughed together.

"But on a serious note, give me her number," Chiharu's eyes had a dark glimmer in her eyes as her lips curved upward.


AN: this could be perceived as a touchy chapter bc of all the racist slang and remarks, but in reality; I've seen people develop very deep friendships and when they joke around, they actually do this bc of their different view points in ethnic backgrounds.

I'm not praising it, but through out my years in highschool I was always fascinated by the chemistry. I remember I butted in one time and tried to correct someone but the other person was laughing carefreely and they told me "nah we just play like that. All good vibes here" and I just stood there like an idiot bc I never seen such a bond like that😭😭

I just thought that in order to make this a genuine highschool romance novel, I shine light on all things. Even things such as these- but with a positive output.

Matt and Chiharu did develop a deeper friendship and level of respect of one another after this chapter, so that's a positive output.

Double update bc I was procrastinating and lacking priorities today 😗✌🏽

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