Chapter 84

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Olly's POV

"It was self defense, I swear," I looked Nicole in the eyes as she turns away from me again to rewatch the tape.

It feels weird being in her presence now... I still can't swallow those mean things she said about me. I'm not a monster- or I don't want to be one. And here I am standing before her as she watches me beat up three people.

She looks conflicted but she just gives a short sigh, "you two may go, but please refrain from physical contact as much as possible. Violence shouldn't be the answer for everything; but in Mariana's case, if you hadn't showed up, Olly, God knows what could've happened to her,"  Nicole massages her temples.

I was in relief that I didn't get Mariana in trouble due to my barbaric actions. I was in bigger relief that Nicole saw through this time instead of just writing me off as a delinquent.

"Olly, a word before you go?" She lets Mariana leave and I nod.

I awkwardly stood there not knowing what to do. Let alone, say.

"Thank you."

"I'm sorry," Nicole speaks at the same time as me.

We both nervously laugh, "sorry, you first," I scratch the back of my neck.

"No it's fine. I just wanted to apologize on those harsh things I said a while back..." she looks at me dead in the eyes.

I contemplated for a bit and I tried to understand her pain from her perspective. She had a lot of things happening simultaneously that day, she couldn't think straight. Nerves does that.

"It's okay. Like I said previously, you didn't mean it," I shrugged.

"How are things with you and Mariana," she starts and I dart her with a careful look.

"That's not your place," I warned softly and she flinched.

"Get upset with me all you want, but I'm not losing to a cheer leader," she snarls at me.

Are you kidding me? We haven't even been dating for a full week and she's already determined to break us up.

"Olly, I'm serious. I'm gonna take this time to go at your comfort and build back what I broke with us. Enjoy your little rebound. I'm here to stay," strides pass me and opens the door for me to walk out.

Better than her crying, I swear it'd be ten times more awkward.

"Only time will tell," I softly smile and she winks at me before closing the door.

I catch up with Mariana as she looks at her mini mirror examining the fatality of her drowned makeup.

"Let's go to my car and you can fix your make up in there. I'll call Cindy and tell her what happened," I took her by the hand without hearing her approval. She doesn't need to be here for the rest of the day.

"Olly?" Mariana calls me and I turn around facing her.

"Can we go get something to eat? I'm starving," she begs.

Normally when girls says they wanna go get something to eat, you have to ask them where do they want to eat at and if she says she's not hungry, order an extra side of fries because she's gonna be. But Mariana? This is different. She actually looks more hungry than what she's giving off. Maybe I'm overthinking.

"You're still down for Panera? I think a bread bowl soup and a muffin with hot green tea might do you good until dinner time," I open the door for her.

"I took you as a fast food person," she giggled and sniffled.

"I am, but I studied the menu on my phone to see what else was on there. I never had a bread bowl soup before," I nervously chuckled and watched her do her makeup.

She was still trembling after what happened but I just watched her in awe. She's a lot stronger than she think she is and I admire that.

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