Finding Hope

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Hel gazed around. Five years, and she still hadn't covered the whole Land of Shadows. Her search for her half sister was pretty much hopeless, but Hel told Lyra she would try, so here she was.

Lyra was okay, she was loyal, but she could get under your skin sometimes. Hel didn't have much of a relationship with Lyra, and she didn't really want one either.

Hel disliked her for some reason. Well, perhaps it was because she had nearly gotten Hel killed when she was trying to teach Hel magic. Of course, she was the Goddess of Trickery so it was an "accident" on her part, but Hel still hadn't forgiven her.

Hel knew Rinolo though, he was pretty much an older brother to her. Hel had never met Leema, being that she was taken away from Loki and Hel's step-mother, Lea, at a young age.

Nari and Vali were okay. They didn't really like each other, but they liked hanging out with Hel. She didn't feel the same closeness with them as she did with Jörmungandaur, Sleipnir, and Fenrir though. Of course, Fenrir was now living in the Land of the Dead, as was Nari.

Lea was pretty much spirit, living on around the nine realms, but she visited Hel once in a while. The living couldn't see Lea, only Hel, the dead, and other spirits.

Loki seemed to be nowhere, which terrified Hel as well as left her wondering if he was still alive.

At this point the shadows knew Hel, and were used to her. Nazhagal had helped for the first couple years but then decided that if Leema was alive she would find her way back, and if she wasn't she should be in the Land of Shadows and would find them herself.

Hel sighed as she walked through the black sands of the land, her red dress trailing behind her. Hel rubbed her nose with the hand made of bone and rotting flesh, then gazed around once more.

She continued walking and walking and walking in till the sand dropped and a never ending cliff stretched out, marking the end of the Land of Shadows.

Hel blinked. "Well no sign of her, which means she's dead," she said bluntly.

Hel turned and was about to leave when something caught her eye. She walked over to the gleaming piece and picked it up, wiping the sand away.

She gazed at it. It was a necklace made of seven pieces. One red, one yellow, one blue, one green, one white, one black, and one turquoise. It was Leema's necklace.

Hel realized this, her eyes widening.

The yellow, blue, and white light were gone, dead. (representing Loila, Lea, and Leema) The red, black and turquoise shined bright. (representing Thor, Rinolo, and Lyra)

She gasped as she realized the green light had suddenly lit up from a dead nothing to a dim green.

Loki was alive.

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