Loki?? Natasha!

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Lyra tumbled down what felt like a sand dune, squeezing her eyes shut to avoid getting sand in her eyes. She groaned when she finally stopped.

"Shhhhit," she murmured.

Lyra sat up and shook the sand off her now blue and black leather clothes. She rubbed her head then glanced around.

Loki was getting up a little bit away, and the tesseract was near. 

Lyra glanced at him then lunged for it, but she was knocked aside and was sent rolling again, this time bring Loki with her.

Lyra let the dagger in her arm cuffs slide into her hand and she shoved him off with her shoulder. 

Loki glared and Lyra tightened her grip on her dagger, her blue eyes darting to the tesseract once in a while. 

"What are you doing here?" he spat.

"Same as you," Lyra replied coldly as they circled. "For the tesseract."

"You're not Lyra, are you?" he stopped as he slipped a dagger into his own hand.

"Well, I'm the future Lyra." Lyra shrugged. "And I need that tesseract."

"Not gonna happened."

"Fine." Lyra growled then swung at him.

He ducked and Lyra let her knee come up into his stomach, making him stumble back. Lyra winced. 

This isn't the real Loki. This is the past Loki. Lyra kept reminding herself.

Loki swung at her and she quickly ducked and rolled away, jumping to her feet only to have her dagger knocked away and her feet swept out from under her.

She fell with a 'mph' and squirmed underneath him as he put his dagger to her throat.

"Why were you there if you're from the future?"

"Because I need it to deal with a problem, a problem that murdered you and your daughter!" Lyra spat.

Loki blinked in surprise. "Leema?"

"Yes, dipshit, Leema," Lyra growled through gritted teeth. 

His green eyes narrowed and his hand tightened on the dagger. "You're not the Lyra I remember."

"No, I'm not," Lyra hissed then kicked him off, standing. "Past Lyra would follow you anywhere. Past Lyra wouldn't give a shit about what you did or what she did for you. But, now your dead, and your daughter is dead. Your son is probably soon to combust and become a raging place of chaos with grief, and I'm desperate for a way to bring the only family I've ever know back. Oh, and let's not forget Loila, who you always seem to want to push around."

Loki looked at Lyra in surprise.

Lyra put her hand out, palm up. "Look, if you ever wanna see your daughter again, give me the tesseract."

He grabbed the tesseract and looked thoughtful for a moment. Then his eyes narrowed. "Well, she isn't dead in my time." Then he was gone, without Lyra this time.

Lyra's eyes widened when she lunged and only fell into sand. "SON OF A BITCH!! Loki!!! NOOO!"

* * *

Rinolo groaned as Clint paced.

Behind them a cliff was where one was to drop off and die: a soul for a soul.

"There has to be another way," Clint said.

"No, there isn't," Rinolo said, glancing at the floating figure with a red face.

"Thanos came back without his daughter, Clint. It's not a coincidence," Natasha said.

They both stared at each other for a moment. 

"Guess we know who it's got to be," all three of them said.

They glanced at each other and Rinolo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I think we're all talking about different people here."

Ignoring Rinolo, Clint looked at Natasha. "You know what I've done, Nat. All the lives that I've taken...."

Natasha smiled. "Well, I don't judge people on their worst days."

"Oh for fucks sake," Rinolo cursed and raced past them, stripping away his sword as he did. He felt a yank and flew back in a tumble. Rinolo looked up, his eyes turning red as he watched Clint go. "CLINT!"

Rinolo was going to stop him, but Natasha beat him to it, knocking him away.

She made to jump but Rinolo quickly grabbed her, his muscles straining against the material of his shirt, his jaw clenched as she dangled over the edge.

"Natasha-don't-let-go. It's got to be me. Tell Ingrid- SHIT!" Rinolo said as Clint jumped.

Rinolo yanked Natasha back and grabbed Clint, falling off the cliff with him. Rinolo reached to grab something when something jabbed into his waist.

Rinolo grunted in pain as a grappling hook latched onto his side. He looked up to see Natasha jump.

"CLINT - FUCK! CATCH HER!" Rinolo yelled down.

Clint caught Natasha's hand before she fell.

Rinolo strained to pull them up, but the hook in his side was making it very hard. He clenched his jaw.

"Let go, Clint," Natasha was saying.

Rinolo looked down. Clint was losing his grip.

"Shit. Clint don't," Rinolo said, trying to pull up, sweat lining his brow.

Clint was close to crying. "No, please, don't," Clint said.

Natasha nodded then Rinolo winced as she pushed of the cliff and fell.

"NOO!" Clint yelled.

Rinolo roared as the light ingulfed them.

* * *

Rinolo sat up immediately, soaked to the bone in water.

"Shit, shit, shit, shhhit," Rinolo said, rising to his feet immediately only to see Clint.

Clint sat in the water, looking down at the glowing yellow stone in his hand. "She gave her life."

Rinolo walked over, hands in his pockets and nodded. 

"So let's go make it worth it."

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now