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Leema felt her heart jump to her throat as a Chitauri charged Loila. Leema was about to scream a warning when it turned to dust. She glanced around and watched one by one as the monsters all fell to dust.

Leema's eyes trailed to Thanos as he sat and faded away. Instead of shouting her victory her eyes darted to Tony who stumbled back and sat, half of his face charged.

"Tony!" Leema raced over and skidded to his side. "Tony, Tony," Leema choked, blinking away tears. "Hey..., it's alright. I'm sorry. We won, we did."

Tony looked at her dimly. "He came back for you."

"Who?" Leema quickly said. "Mr. Stark? Tony. I'm sorry." She rambled on.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up through teary eyes to see Loila. Leema jumped into her arms and Loila wrapped them around Leema.

Leema sobbed in her arms as she watched Peter Parker approach Tony.

"Hey, Mr. Stark. We did it. We won. Mr. Stark? We did it."

Leema closed her eyes against the waves of pain as Peter was pulled away and Pepper bent down by Tony.

"Tony, Tony look at me," Pepper said softly.

Tony slowly turned his head and set his eyes on Pepper.

"We'll be okay. Morgan and Lily will be okay," Pepper reassured. "You can rest now."

Leema squeezed her eyes tightly shut as Friday shut down.

Leema opened them again to see Rinolo hugging Ingrid close and Lyra standing by Thor.

Loila closed her eyes and sighed sadly. "I'm sorry, Leema, I'm so sorry."

* * *

Leema stood by her family as she watched the tiny boat 'Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart' float away.

They had lost Natasha. They had lost Tony. They had lost...Loki. Leema looked at her feet. She wore a black dress and flat black heels. Leema let her black hair cover her face like a curtain as she silently cried.

Lyra walked over and set a hand on her shoulder. "He will be missed, but he will always be with us, just like your mother will always be with you," she said softly.

Leema looked up and watched her go as Lyra walked away.

Leema sighed. How could things ever be the same?

* * *

Sometime Later...

Loila watched Thor as they stood, looking out at the surrounding water. Valkyrie stood near.

"You know this place needs its king back," Loila said.

"Nah," Thor shook his head, "They already have one."

Loila raised a blonde brow as her emerald eyes met her brothers. "What?"

Thor smiled.

"You're not staying?"

"Nah, I don't belong on a throne, I belong out there," Thor said as he looked back at the view.

Loila followed his gaze.

"We're gonna make some major changes around here," Valkyrie said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"That's for sure," Loila chuckled. Then she looked at Thor. "Thank you, brother. I hope to see you visiting."

He smiled and they embraced. "No, thank you, your majesty."

Loila smiled as they broke the embrace and Thor shook Valkyrie's hand.

"Take care," Valkyrie said.

Loila watched the ship go, standing with Valkyrie.

"It was about time we made some changes," Valkyrie said as she glanced at Loila.

Loila smiled as she breathed in the air and looked down at the New Asgard. "Indeed."

* * *

As Leema walked with Cap towards the makeshift time machine her thoughts trailed to Tony's parting words to her. 'He came back for you.'

Who could he mean? Loki?

Leema's thoughts were interrupted by Sam Wilson.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Cap," Falcon said as he saw me with the stones, walking with Steve who had Thor's hammer.

"I'll be fine, you worry too much," Leema told Falcon, rolling her emerald green eyes.

"It's her first mission as an Avenger without her actually fighting anyone, she'll be fine," Steve said.

Leema smiled at him as they walked onto the makeshift time machine.

Lyra stood with Banner by the controls, looking thoughtful.

She had on a blue dress with black linen. Her black hair was tied up in a ponytail and her blue eyes glinted, changing shades.

"Are we sure about this?" she said, looking at Banner who was half-hulk-half-man still.

"Yes, no, and maybe," he said.

"That's not reassuring at all," Lyra said with a chuckle.

Bucky walked up and Leema's eyes glinted when she saw his mechanical arm. It was a interesting thing.

"I'll be fine, Lyra," Leema said with a roll of her own eyes.

"I know, but I still think you're too young," Lyra chuckled.

"I'm nineteen!" Leema protested.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road," Bucky said as he crossed his arms over his chest, watching them.

Leema opened the case and made sure all the stones were there. "Got all the stones." Leema snapped it close and her shoulders shifted as her shadows whipped out into wings. "Wings, check."

"Hammer, check," Steve said as he tossed his hammer in the air.

"Alright, launching in three, two"- their suits whipped on "-one."

They zipped away.

* * *

Lyra watched as Leema disappeared.

"Retrieving in five, four, three, two, one."

Lyra looked expectantly at the time machine. When no one came her eyebrows drew together.

"Where are they?" Sam asked.

"Bring them back!" Lyra yelled.

Banner frantically looked at the buttons when Bucky stopped them.

"Hey, Sam." He said.

Lyra looked up. Was that an old man at the bench? No. That couldn't be. Where was Leema?

Lyra jumped when she felt a hand touch hers.

Lyra looked down to see Leema. Except she was nine again?


Leema smiled as she looked at Cap.

"Is everything alright?" Lyra said frantically as she took her hand and they walked through the woods.

Leema simply smiled again. "Yeah. It was just time for a malfunction."

Lyra glanced at her then nodded. Guess some things needed changing.

Thought this was the end? Well I'm happy to say you're wrong! The story line goes farther than End Game so stick to it!

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now