Shadow Vs. Death

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Lily stared at Leema. She was only two, but she very well understood when someone was hurt and Leema was definitely hurt. Lily watched as the nurses scuffled around shouting at each other, but none of them seemed to notice Lily standing there, peeking over the bed at Leema.

Lily couldn't help but feel a spark of fear. Leema's hand was wrapped up, but the wrap was red and soaked, Leema's wings were sprawled out under her, missing shadow feathers revealing raw grey skin underneath, Leema had many scratches, bruises, and blisters: she looked pretty beat up, and she didn't even stir at the noise around her, the only faintest trace of her being alive was the the small rattling breaths she took which wasn't much.

Lily heart thrumming in her chest. What had happened while her dad was out with the other Avengers? She reached up a tiny hand and touched Leema's hand, holding it tight. Suddenly Lily was somewhere else.

Lily looked around with wide frightful eyes. She was in a dark place and around her were shadows and monsters. A growl came from behind her and Lily spun around. She quickly recognized Leema's shadow friend Nazhagal.

Leema stood by him, her eyes narrowed as she turned to see what Nazhagal was growling at.

Lily quickly saw what looked like a shadow person that had stepped on the path to the gate and the castle. Lily yelped as a shadow leapt from Leema's hand and flung the shadow person away.

"Stay in your field," Leema growled as it scurried away.

Lily looked at her in horror. This was not the Leema she knew at all. Lily wanted to leave, to run, but she didn't know where to go or how to leave. Leema turned and to Lily's surprise she didn't even see Lily. Lily yelped as Leema passed right through her and talked with Nazhagal.

Leema's wings were folded at her back, and she didn't at all have the bruises and scratches or missing feathers Lily remembered.

"Nazhagal, how did I end up here? Why am I here? I don't remember going through a shadow hole," Leema said angrily.

"You didn't...." Nazhagal said nervously. "You're just... on the verge of death."

"What!?" Leema turned on Nazhagal and for a moment Lily thought she would hurt him like she did the other shadow. Leema simply looked at him in shock. "What?"

"The're not exactly immortal my lady just because you're a god."

"Of course not!" Leema shouted. "I'm not dumb." Leema whipped past Nazhagal as he trotted after her.

Lily quickly ran up behind them.

"Death? So what happens if I die...?" Leema asked, her voice squeakier.

Die? Lily gapped, she didn't want Leema to die. She was like an older sister for her.

"Well then you rule here," Nazhagal said, glancing around.

Leema's wings drooped, the edges dragging on the ground. Her head hung and her shoulders slumped, she looked defeated. "I'll be stuck here forever." Nazhagal looked uneasy as she went on. "Never to see my family again."

Lily looked at her sadly. She wanted to run up and hug Leema and tell her it would be alright, but Leema couldn't see or hear her.

Lily felt herself being pulled and she was suddenly back in the nurses room her dad calling her name. "Lily! Lily! Lily Stark!"

Lily turned and raced out of the nurses office, straight into her father.

He looked down at her. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see how Lee' ma was doin'." She said as her father picked her up.

"Mr. Stark," a nurse from inside called.

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