The Lightning Bolt Of Zeus

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Lyra paced. Five days. Five days ag Leema went to find out more about Hades. She hadn't returned.

Could she have been kidnapped by Hades? Lyra wouldn't put it past the man - or being. Could Leema be in trouble? Was she just being Leema?

"FUCK! I KNEW IT WAS A SHIT IDEA!" Rinolo's raging roar interrupted Lyra's thoughts.

"LANGUAGE RINOLO!" His Aunt, Loila scolded. "You know as well as I do, nephew, if your mother was here she'd have put soap in your mouth alrready without hesitation, then your ass would be sorry."

Lyra looked up to where she sat down by Loila.

Ingrid was standing and trying her best to calm Rinolo, who was practically pulling out his hair as he paced.

Loki hadn't said a word from where he sat in a chair nearby.

"This is your damn fault," Rinolo hissed at his father. "And now your just sulking instead of DOING SOMETHING!!" He roared, the whole crisis of his eyes going red.

Loki stood abruptly, facing his son. "Oh? Now you blame me, boy? It was your AUNT!"

Loila's eyes flashed dangerously, and she sat up straighter, facing Loki in anger, standing herself.

"What. The. Hell. Did. You. Just. Say??" She said dangerously, glaring daggers at him.

Loki cleared his throat and his eyes turned to her. "You heard me."

"You bastard!" Loila spat, lunging at him.

Lyra barely had time to react, lunging forward and intercepting them. "ENOUGH!" A burst of power erupted from her and everyone, along with all the furniture, went flying into the walls.

Loila looked shocked as she slowly stood, dusting off fragments of paint from the wall that had chipped in the wave of power.

Loki shoved several books off himself from where he had flown into a book shelf and Rinolo stood in a ring of shattered glass.

Ingrid was crouched with her feathered wings spread, staring at Lyra with new found respect.

Lyra glanced at them all, panting, then she stood straighter and let out a long breath before saying, "Fighting will do Leema no good right now."

Rinolo looked ready to argue, then his shoulders slumped and he sighed. Ingrid walked up to him and looked at him reassuringly. 

"What can we do? For all we know Hades dragged her back to the Under World," Rinolo stated bluntly.

Lyra thought for a moment then sighed, "He's not the only one who can enter the Under World."

Loki looked at her in question, then understanding crossed his features. "Hela."

Lyra nodded. "Yes, I believe that she can - can...Loila?"

Lyra stared at Loila with wide eyes.

Loila's form was flickering and Lyra could see the items behind her as she slowly became more and more transparent. "Loila!"

Loila looked feint as she stumbled, passing through everything. She groaned, head in her hands as she fell to her knees on the floor.

Lyra and Loki raced to her, skidding on their knees to her. "Loila?"

Loila shook her head and looked at them with blank eyes. "H-He's...m-my m-magic..., t-take." She shuddered.

Lyra glanced at Loki.

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now