The Goddess Of Shadows

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Leema's feelings went all sorts of directions and she felt herself become the black fog again, becoming a black cloud, swirling up into the air. Her mind became blurry as her emotions clouded her senses.

Thor and Sif burst in. Leema didn't know what to think she: the cloud hissed and shot over the library, knocking everything everywhere. Shelves were knocked over, pages flew, and glass shattered.

Thor was summoning his hammer as she shot out the window in a whirling mass of black shadow, darkening the sky. Leema had no idea what was happening, it was like she had lost control.

Leema streaked down like a snake to the rainbow bridge and shrunk back with a shriek as a bolt of lightning hit in front of them.

"Is that Rinolo?" Sif asked as they thumped down.

The shadow rushed away, back into the sky with a hiss. The shadow that was actually Leema studied them.

"No, it's something else." Thor replied.

The shadow was about to charge into Thor when something clashed with it. The shadow screeched as they fell to the rainbow bridge, the shadow took the form of a dragon as it faced its opponent.

Leema/ Shadow hesitated. It was another shadow facing her. It looked like hers except flashes of sparkling red shots of fire erupted in it. It too took the form of a dragon, blocking the shadows way to Thor and Sif.

"That's Rinolo," the shadow heard Thor say.

The shadow snorted. Leema wanted to hold back, but she had no control as she clashed with Rinolo's shadow who took her head on.

It looked like a whirling mass of black darkness with sparks of red from Rinolo here and there as they tumbled into each other. Leemas shadow form let out an agonizing screech as a spark of fire shot into her shadow.

It snarled and the shadows raced back at each other again, this time tumbling off the bridge and into cool water, making the water appear black. Thor and Sif raced over as Leemas shadow burst out of the water and up into the sky.

"What is that the Rinolo's defending us from? And how did he get out of prison!?" Sif questioned as the shadows met in mid air. Odin and some soldiers had raced out on horses besides Thor and Sif now.

A burst of light shot at the shadows above from Odin's staff. Rinolo forced Leema's shadow form into it causing her to crash to the rainbow bridge, the shadow seemed to be sucked in as she became her normal self again: a girl

Leema couldn't think, her vision was blurry and everyone looked afraid of her. Her eyes were pure black, she was shaking uncontrollably, she had a shadow underneath her that was in the shape of wings: ruffled underneath her, and some of the shadow still whirled around her hand and wrists.

She saw Rinolo return to his normal form out of the corner of her eye, instantly ceased by guards, and she blacked out.

* * *

Leema groaned as she woke. She no longer felt the wings at her back no longer there as the shadow had gone back. She looked around and found herself in her bedroom back in the Avengers tower. She tried to sit up, but her wrists and ankles were tied to her bed.

Leema began to panic and struggled against the restraints. The door opened and Tony quickly rushed in.

"Shh, calm down, your uncle will be here soon," Steve said softly.

Leema heart raced in her chest as she stared at him with wide, fearful eyes. She began to cry uncontrollably, tears streaming down her cheeks. What had she done? What had happened? Who did she hurt? Would she be locked up and considered a threat like Rinolo? Would she be banished? Where was her father? What happened to Rinolo? Who was the man in black? How did she become a goddess? Why shadows? And most importantly what was she now?

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