The Father

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Leema was about to scream, but suddenly he was behind her with a hand over her mouth. He waved a hand over her face and suddenly she was very sleepy, as if she was drugged. She slumped in his arms and he picked her up, carrying her to her bed. His skin was cold, but his touch was gentle.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to startle you darling. I just came to say Happy Birthday and leave you a present," he whispered as my head fell, leaning into his chest as my eyelids started to get droopy. "Goodnight darling, I'll come for you soon." He put the sheets over her and she curled up, and fell into sleep, his voice fading....

* * *

Leema woke up, sitting straight up in her bed quickly. She yawned, and decided that last night probably had been a silly dream. She got up, but then something surprised her. A green box with black ribbon sat on her night stand.

Leema looked at it for a few long moments and decided it had nothing to do with her really vivid dream. It was probably just an extra present from Steve, she thought as she picked the box up. A card was under it and she picked it up, reading it.


Happy Birthday.

The mysterious present giver, she laughed as she opened it. Inside were four double sided daggers with a green emerald in the middle of each of them. She smiled as she twirled one in her hand.

She set them back in the box and put them by her pocket knife. Suddenly the door was flung open and she was so startled she tripped, her only support the shelf, causing it to fall. As the four daggers came down on her they were suddenly stopped by a sudden green force, then they clattered to the ground.

She looked around to see Tony. "You almost killed me!" she screamed.

"I'm sorry Leema. Are you okay? I was just making sure nothing happened to you...." Tony said, bending over me.

She pushed him away saying, "I'm fine! I'm fine!" She stood, brushing the debris off her nightgown. "Wait what? Why are you suddenly so worried for my health all the sudden?"

"Nothing," he replied quickly, standing.

"You're lying." Her eyes narrowed. "What's going on? What happened?"

Suddenly Thor and Steve joined Tony.

"We heard a clatter. Is she still-" began Steve. He stopped as he saw Leema, letting out a breath of relief.

"Where did you get these?" asked Thor, picking up one of the daggers.

"I don't really know. I figured it was a mysterious present from Natasha or something." Leema shrugged.

"Are those...." Began Dr. Banner who had just joined the group.

Thor nodded and quickly grabbed two more. "I'm going to take these okay."

"WHAT!? But they were a gift!" she complained.

"Sorry Leema," he replied.

She glanced at the one still on the floor and concealed it quickly, thinking of it going in an invisible box.

"Why can't I have them?" she whined.

"Because! A prisoner escaped and this just so havens to be the prisoners weapons! I'm concerned for your safety Leema! So leave it."

She left the conversation like he ordered and didn't bug him any more and they all left. She growled angrily, mumbling, "It was just a present."

That returned her attention to her vivid dream. 'I just came to say Happy Birthday and leave you a present.'

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