5 Years

215 10 1

Lyra sat, defeated, head in her hands as she thought of who they had lost. Loki and Nari had died at the hands of Thanos, Loila, Leema, Ingrid, and Vali had disappeared into dust, and Rinolo was gods nowhere causing destruction because of his grief. Lyra made a note to visit the boy called Alex, that Leema always talked about, and to see if she could reach Hel, Jörmungandr, God of War was still the World Serpent, and Sleipnir. Fenrir had gone over the waterfall, into space, so he was most likely dead. Wanda had disappeared. The Black Panther had disappeared. Vision was dead.

Thor was as defeated as Lyra. Lily Stark and Mrs. Potts were staying in the Avengers facility, and who knows where Tony Stark was. Steve still was around, but his friend Sam and Bucky had disappeared. Scott Lang was gone. Nick Fury was gone. Who knew where Peter Parker was, most likely with Tony. Groot, the tree guy had disappeared, only leaving the raccoon, and much more had occurred. As New Asgard was being built on Earth, Dr. Banner was hanging around.

Lyra got up as the facility started rumbling. She raced out beside Steve and saw a ship approaching, no, someone was carrying the ship to them. Mrs. Potts and Lily Stark raced out.

As The ship landed Tony Stark stumbled out along with Nebula, a blue and purple creation, daughter of Thanos. Mrs. Potts ran up to him and Lily yelled, "Daddy!!" and latched onto his leg.

He stumbled and they led him inside. Lyra turned and nodded to Nebula then nodded to Carol Denvers who had brought the ship. Lyra raced after them.

* * *

Lyra sat, leaning against the wall with Carol by her side. Lyra was sure Tony was going insane.

He stood and pointed at Carol and Lyra. "We need you guys. You're new blood and you're new."

Lyra's eyebrows raised as Tony dropped to the ground and made a move to catch him.

"Where are you going?" Steve asked suddenly.

Carol was passing by. "To Kill Thanos."

Natasha stopped her. "Hey, we work as a team here."

"We know there is more to your territory," Steve said.

"Do you even know where he is?" Lyra asked.

"I know people who might."

Nebula spoke up, "No need. I know exactly where he is."

* * *

Lyra pressed her dagger deeper into Thanos's neck. "Where are the stones?"

"I used the stones to destroy the stones," Thanos said hoarsely.

Lyra blinked and sighed, "He didn't."

"No, he did," Nebula said. "Many things my father is, but not a liar."

"Why thank you daughter perhaps-"

Thanos sentence was cut off as Rinolo and Thor both let out a roar and slammed into Thanos. Thor with his axe, and Rinolo with a sword. And together they cut his head clean off his shoulders and blood splattered Lyra.

Lyra turned on them. "What the hell was that for!? What did you do!?"

"I went for the head," Thor said and Lyra watched him go silently.

"The stones are gone.... Which means they're gone...," Lyra sighed.

* * *

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now