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Leema stared at the young men with wide eyes. One had dark brown hair, pale skin, and blue eyes.. The other had auburn hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and the same features. They wore the same black outfit with a white tie and shoes.

"Father?" they said.

Leema changed to her normal form and stared in shock at them.

The one with dark brown hair turned his head and looked at Leema. "Is this our half sister...?"

"Yes," Loki said.

"I'm Nari! This is Vali," the one with auburn hair said.

"Hello," Vali said.

"H-Hi, I'm Leema," Leema stammered.

"Father, mother sent us to come with you. She doesn't want us to live on this trash planet anymore," Nari said.

"What about her?" Loki said.

"She said she'll be fine, she's staying here," Vali answered for Nari.

"That's not what she said!" Nari yelled.

"Yes it is!" Vali shouted.

"No it isn't!" Nari said angrily. They turned, standing nose to nose, with their hands balled into fists.

Loki huffed as if this was normal and said, "Cut it out, we're going to get off this planet now."

* * *

Leema sat in the ship with Nari and Vali as Valkyrie jumped down into the ship. She was kind of glad to leave her father behind, for now, and Nari and Vali didn't seem to have a problem with it, which just proved Loki had made some mistakes in his parenting.

Leema gripped the edge of her seat as the ship rocked. Many other ships were shooting at them at the moment.

Valkyrie only took a moment then jumped back out onto the ship below.

"We should go help," Leema said.

"Yes, are you ready brother?" Vali smiled.

"Indeed I am brother."

Leema watched as they jumped out, their form seemed to change as they both turned into giant eagles with razor sharp beaks and talons. They let out a cry and dove at the ships.

Leema glanced at Thor then she became her shadow as she jumped out, wings snapping open. She crashed through a ship, and it fell to the water as she rose. Now, she saw Thor had joined them with his lightning bolts.

Leema whirled around as a ship began shooting at her. She flew at it, dodging it's shoots and landed on it with a thump, shadows erupting around her and swallowing it whole. She flew up as it fell.

She looked up to see Vali, but in the form of a wolf tearing up a ship.

Leema screamed as Vali's wolf form got gunned in the gut. Vali's eyes went wide and he immediately turned back to his normal self as the ship fell, his face flushed of all color.

"VALI!" Leema yelled and dove, grabbing his hand before the ship crashed. Vali stared blankly. Leema flew up into the air. "Hold on," she grunted in effort as she flew up into the ship, crashing down as the doors closed.

Vali was clutching his stomach and looking empty.

Leema yelled and fell to her knees, her form changing to normal.

Vali groaned. Blood soaked his black suit, staining his white tie

"Vali, stay with me!" Leema said, a hint of emotion in her voice. She may have not known him very well, but part of her blood ran in his veins. Nari rushed forward from the back with a medical kit.

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now