The Shadow Chorus

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Leema slowly got up, the nurse right there badgering her about what she shouldn't do while her wounds are still healing. Leema ignored her completely, the weird song she had sang with some shadows that one day two weeks ago had really shaken her and she was spending a lot of time thinking about it.

"Yeah, Yeah, I will," Leema said although she didn't know anything the nurse had said and slightly limped out the door.

She walked towards the stairs when the nurse scrambled out of Leema's healing room and pointed to the elevator sternly, blocking the stairs.

Guess that's something I'm not supposed to do..., Leema thought as she pressed the button on the elevator.

Leema stumbled out of the elevator and made her way into the kitchen.

"I knew my get well soon card would work!" Lily yelled, jumping out of her father's lap and running over, hugging Leema's leg. Leema smiled. "It's good to see you too."

Leema needed to see her father, but Thor had said the nurses told him that you would pass out if she did an illusion anywhere. Leema didn't really believe this, he was probably just making sure her father didn't find out she got banged up.

Tony stood and they exchanged an awkward hug.

Leema found a bowl of Cheerios already at the table for her. Leema smiled and sat down in the chair. "I've missed my Cheerios," Leema said with a laugh.

Lily smiled.

When Leema had finished her Cheerios she looked to Tony and said, "I'm gonna go for a walk, okay?" Leema didn't wait for an answer and left to go to the park.

* * *

Leema sighed and sat down on a bench by the side of the city park. She almost dozed off when she heard shouts.

Leema turned her head and saw five boys her age that looked like brutes hassling another boy her age and shoving him around. If there was one thing Leema didn't like it was the bully's, so despite her injuries she got up, hid her limp and quickly walked over.

"Hey! Go pick on someone else you dirtbags!" Leema shouted and shoved her way through the brutes, in front of the boy.

"What are you gonna let a girl defend you Alex?" mocked the one in the front.

Leema's nostrils flared and when the boy didn't answer she stared the one that was mocking her straight in the eyes and she said, "You got a problem with that scumbag?"

"Alex has a girlfriend," laughed another.

Leema glared angrily and kicked him in a sensitive spot and the boy fell to the ground. She stared back at the others.

"I don't need a girl defending me," said the boy from behind her suddenly.

Leema turned on the boy named Alex and her eyes flashed with pure anger. "Oh? So I'm supposed to let you get beat up? Fine then." Leema turned to the other boys and this time instead of looking hostile she smiled. "I'm Leema."

"Jacob, Andrew, Matthew, William, and Ryan," the leader named Jacob said, a little startled then he too smiled.

"I shouldn't have wasted my time on him." Leema nodded to them gesturing to Alex with a hand. "Sorry for disturbing you. Carry on. I hope you have fun." The boys parted and she walked right through without another glance at the boy named Alex.

"She's right, like her we're wasting our time," the boy named Andrew said.

"Yeah, let's go," Jacob agreed.

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