The Land Of Shadows

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Leema looked around in fear. The sky was clouded with dark clouds, the ground was black, the trees were gnarled and black, the water in lakes were tar, and shadows of people and different things roamed around, their body black besides their red eyes.

The horse walked forward, head bent as if he was tucking in his chin and carrying royalty. Leema looked around. The shadows she passed bowed there head to her and she just stared back in shock and fear.

The horse continued walking down a stone path till they came in sight of a tall black castle lit up with torches that now lined the path. Leema's jaw dropped. What is this place?

She looked around and saw shadows, but these looked like guards. Their eyes were flames, they were dressed in silver armor, and they held black spears in their hands. They were walking toward her but as the shadow horse came to them they parted in a fluid rhythm for her, planting their spears in the stone.

Leema looked at the horse. She wanted to command it to take her home, but curiosity made its mark as the horse crossed a bridge over a canyon with tar instead of water. The shadow horse stopped in front of the gate, bowing to let her off as the guards at the gates opened the huge doors.

Leema looked at the horse then flicked her hand, and it took the form of a black wolf and lumbered in besides her. It was almost as big as her, it was as tall as all the way up to her chest, and it was big and had the same red eyes but silver claws.

Leema stuck by it, seeing the shadow as her only companion in this place. She looked at the shadow with interest then imagined something and a whirl of shadow was sent out of her hand and raced into the wolves throat.

The shadow wolf cleared his voice. It was low and gruff. "My lady. Your home."

Leema looked at it nervously. "My home? What's your name?"

"I do not have a name, I am merely a shadow you control," he responded, trotting forward.

"Okay, well I name you Nazhagal."

"Thank you, my lady, it is a privilege to have a name here," Nazhagal explained.

"Well, being that you listened to me and let me ride you and what not I think you deserve it." She said. "Now where am I? What is this place? What is going on? Why are people bowing?" She added as she saw what looked like a shadow maid pass and bow her head.

"You are in the Land Of Shadows. You commanded me to bring you here and I did. And the people are bowing because you rule us, we are the shadows that need a ruler, the shadows of our goddess."

"W-Who's the goddess?" At Nazhagal's look she said, "Oh yeah right, that's me...."

His ears twitched as he led her to what looked like a throne made of silver. "This, my lady, is your throne."

She ran her hands over it and got a chilling sensation she was becoming her father when she thought, this is kind of nice.

"Lady Shadow!" came a call. Leema turned to see a shadow warrior racing forward.

She glanced at Nazhagal. "That's me, right?" He nodded so she turned back and said shakily, "Yes?"

"Some shadows are trying to breach the gate."

"The gate?"

"The gate that leads to the living," Nazhagal replied.

"Oh- okay. What do I do?"

"Put them back in line of course."

"Oh okay, um, Nazhagal please take me to them." Leema flicked her wrist and became a huge crow. She climbed on his back and as he flew he said, "This would be a good time to get into shadow form."

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